Chapter: 935
�Lady Yeo!�

�I have to go�

Yeo Hwa-young tried to pass Hwa Ok-gi.

At that time, one of the warriors behind Hwa Ok-gi came forward and blocked her path.

�Lord Hwa�s words are not over yet.�

The man who blocked the way was an elderly man who appeared to be in his mid-thirties. What was impressive about him is his big body and huge palms that was the size of a lids of a pot.

The elderly man was Hwangbo Chiseung, Hwa Ok-gi�s bodyguard.

Hwangbo Chiseung was a descendant of Hwangbo Sega.

Hwangbo Sega has fallen through the ups and downs of time, but his descendants remain. Hwangbo Chiseung was one of his descendants.

He was a master who had learned the Three Fists of the Heavenly King, one of the representative techniques of Hwangbo Sega.

The Heavenly Silver Marketplace Hwa Yu-cheon invested a huge amount to invite him.�

Like Hwangbo Chiseung, the Heavenly Silver Marketplace recruited many masters from the outside. Hwangbo Chiseung�s martial arts was by far the highest among them.

Yeo Hwa-young recognized the identity of Hwangbo Chiseung at once.

�Lord Hwangbo, I heard that you rejected our offer and entered the the Heavenly Silver Marketplace.�

�I couldn�t help it. The Heavenly Silver Marketplace�s conditions were much better.�

�I didn�t know Lord Hwangbo was such a snob.�

�What can I do? My throat is the police bureau,5 and there are many people whom I have to feed.�

�Don�t you think of honor?�

�I realized long ago that honor cannot feed anyone, now I�m just a mercenary who has been sold for money. Why does a mercenary need honor for?�


�What can we do? Jianghu has changed.�

Hwangbo Chiseung closed his eyes for a moment.

There was a time when honor was a priority.

People revered a man of honor

Some were drunk with honor and threw everything away and jumped into great wars such as the War of the Demons and Heaven.�

However, Hwangbo Chiseung was well aware of what had happened to those people.

They were wounded in the war and lost everything, but no one cared for them.

If those people had strong financial backing like from a prestigious sect that currently dominates Jianghu, they would have been in better state. Their last years would not have been as miserable.

Hwangbo Sega was one of those who lost their footing a long time ago.

At a certain point of time, he boasted great power enough to spread his fame to everyone. But he eventually fell enough to be remembered as a movie of the past.