�The restriction imposed on all of us. Do you know what kind of restriction it is?�
So Yeowol approached Pyo-wol. Pyo-wol looked at her without a word.
�Everyone felt pain and fell down at the same time.�
�I collapsed too.�
�That�s the problem.�
�We couldn�t find you until the end, so I�m sure you weren�t there before we collapsed but when we woke up, you�re lying beside us. So it�s clear that you approached us after the restriction was activated. Hence, you were either unaffected by the restriction or it has little effect on you.��
Surely So Yeowol was smart. The other children were not smart enough to put together what happened previously. Perhaps it was her idea to come here.
�I think you know what kind of restriction it is. Am I wrong?�
�I know. I know exactly what kind of restriction they put on us.�
�Tell us, too!�
�Why should I?�
�Why do I have to tell you guys about the restriction? How does that benefit me?
So Yeowol was at a loss for words, so she closed her lips.
Instead, it was So Gyeoksan who shouted.
�You bastard, is that what you�re going to say to your colleagues?�
�You guys may be friends with each other, but not me. If you thought we were colleagues, you wouldn�t have pursued me so tenaciously. Don�t you think so?�
So Gyeoksan wrinkled his face. They couldn�t say anything back. In fact, they never even thought of Pyo-wol as a colleague.
Pyo-wol was a foreign entity to them.
Everyone was reluctant to be with him.�
Only two girls, So Yeowol and Lee Min, would talk to Pyo-wol, while the rest of the children just looked at him like cows and chickens. However, when he used the word colleague, even So Gyeoksan was embarrassed. But So Gyeoksan was no ordinary person.
�Alright! Then we can become friends from now on! I swear it! No matter what happens, I will never abandon you, and I will always consider you as a friend!�
�And you want me to trust you with just that? You sure do have a thick face.�
�Kikik! You have to have a thick face to learn the face mask arts. There aren�t any cons for you to have someone as capable as me as your friend. If we ever manage to regain our freedom, come visit the Republic Arts Troupe (?????). Since we�ve been through hell together, I�ll help you at least a little.��
�That won�t happen.�
Pyo-wol laughed bitterly.
With his slightly relaxed appearance, So Yeowol and Lee Min didn�t miss the opportunity.
�I�ll also consider you a friend from now on, too. At least the kids who follow me won�t be hostile to you.� JrNovels.com