Chapter: 951
�He�s with Lord Wu. I don�t think we�ll be able to attend the banquet.�

It was rare for mercenaries to be invited to a banquet.

This was because, in many cases, a mercenary without roots often has no manners and has a lot of potential to cause trouble.

For that reason, many sects were wary of inviting mercenaries inside their sect.

It was the same with the Heavenly Silver Marketplace.

Only the mercenary, Wolf King1, was required to be formally invited to such a banquet.

The Wolf King was one of the eight constellations.

He was a very unusual case. He was born into a noble family, but he soon left his abode and became strong on his own in the wilderness.

Only he is welcomed everywhere, but most of the mercenaries are not.

Wu Jang-rak did not tell the mercenaries to attend the banquet, even with empty words. But he sincerely asked Pyo-wol.

�We�ll take good care of your belongings, so please go to the banquet.�

Seol Hajin squinted one eye before returning to the other mercenaries.

Pyo-wol raised his head and looked at the tree.

Someone was crouching on the highest branch. He was wearing shabby black clothes. This made his crouching figure look like a big crow.

He entered the room with Pyo-wol, but Soma quickly escaped and spent the night on such a tall branch.

No matter how comfortable the bed was, Soma couldn�t get a good night�s sleep. So he looked for a high place, and curled up there.

Every time the wind blew, the branches swayed as if it would break, but Soma persevered. The fact that he could sleep in such a state was astonishing.

Pyo-wol understood Soma.

The memories of hell he experienced as a child left deep scars in his heart.

Some people are cured without leaving a scar, but most people suffer from the aftereffects one way or another.

Soma was like that.

His memory of being kidnapped and abused by the Xiaoleiyin Temple as a child, and having his father�s arm amputated because of him, still haunts him.

He pretended to be okay on the outside and smiled like he was cheerful, but all of that was just a disguise to hide his wounds.

It was the same with Pyo-wol.

He never lets his guard down for a moment.

While everyone else was looking around and being relaxed during breaks, he couldn�t. This was one of the effects of the scars left by his dark past.

Once engulfed in darkness, it was impossible to completely shake it off.

That was the reason Soma blindly followed Pyo-wol, and it was also the same reason why Pyo-wol followed Soma.

Pyo-wol quietly entered the room and meditated. Meditating like this from time to time was more helpful for his martial arts than moving his body directly.

His martial arts of Aguido1 was a trace of his struggle for survival.