Chapter: 972
At that moment, an idea suddenly ran through his mind.

�Then I want to make a request��


�Isn�t it� not common to commission an assassin?��

Pyo-wol looked a little dumbfounded.

How could Shin Mugum think of asking him to take on a commission when his life is in danger.

Shin Mugum�s response was frankly beyond his expectations. So he got interested.

�What is the quest?�

�Please kill all the enemies that threaten her.�

In an instant, Pyo-wol�s eyebrows twitched.

The request that caught him off guard. Whether he protects Mok Gahye or to kill the enemy that threatened her, it was the same request.�

It was just a play of words, but the essence was the same. Nevertheless, Pyo-wol had no choice but to accept his request.

It was because the words of Shin Mugum were reasonable. That was all he could think of because he was so desperate.

Still, he had to ask.

�What�s the price?�

�Can�t it be� my life?�

�It doesn�t fit. If I leave you alone, you will die anyway, so what am I going to do with your life?�

�I will give you Gongbu. How about it?�

�You�re clever. It�s pretty good.�

A small smile appeared on the corner of Pyo-wol�s lips.

He was genuinely impressed.

Shin Mugum was showing how clever a person who is cornered can become.

The reason why the Heavenly Silver Marketplace and Bamboo Sea Clan were fighting at the Dead Forest was because of Gongbu.

A sword that has only symbolic meaning, with no use for practicing swordsmanship. It may mean a lot to some, but to Pyo-wol, it was as valuable as a stone lying on the side of the road.

By choosing to hand over the sword, Shin Mugum will completely be able to eliminate the risk factor that caused the disaster to Mok Gahye.

Pyo-wol wanted to applaud Shin Mugum who came up with such an idea in that brief moment.�

Using common sense, such a request should not be accepted. It was a bad deal with nothing to gain.

�Alright, I accept the request.�

However, Pyo-wol accepted the request of the Shin Mugum.
