Chapter: 982
�Say it!�

�It appears that he has lost his life due to certain circumstances.�

�Certain circumstances? What kind of bullshit is that?�

�According to those who fled, the captain remained until the end.�


�That was the last time they saw him. They could not find him anywhere after that.�

�This is crazy! What the hell is going on?�

In the end, Hwa Yu-cheon�s anger exploded.

A little while ago, the outer disciples abruptly left their battle positions and fled.

It was impossible in the first place to stop all those who were fleeing because of fear. So, he caught a warrior who was passing by and asked, and the only thing he could say was that there was a demon in the Dead Forest.

It was impossible to get accurate information from his gibberish.

One thing is for sure, someone intervened, and he inflicted a great deal of fear on the outer disciples.�

Hwa Yu-cheon looked at Mae Bulgun.

�Steward Mae!�

�Please give me your order, my lord!�

�Look for the captain of the outer disciples. And find out who caused this mess.�

�I will carry out your orders.�

Mae Bulgun replied with his head bowed deeply.

He was Hwa Yu-cheon�s most reliable subordinate.

He was quick at calculating and good at administration so he was performing the role of a steward.�

Except for Hwa Yu-cheon, Mae Bulgun was the strongest person in the Heavenly Silver Marketplace.

The only person who knew about it was Hwa Yu-cheon. Therefore, he was able to trust and entrust this dangerous mission to him.

Mae Bulgun selected a few trustworthy men before leaving the battle line.

His figure soon disappeared through the bushes.

�Of all things to happen� at this critical time.�

Hwa Yu-cheon clicked his tongue.

They unexpectedly got into a clash with the Bamboo Sea Clan.

At first he was confused, but he later thought it was a good thing.

Until now, they have expanded their power by obtaining the territory of the Bamboo Sea Clan little by little, but they soon reached their limits.�

In order to expand the area beyond this, they had to clash head-on with the Bamboo Sea Clan.