�The basket isn�t big enough for everyone to ride, so half of us would ride it first, while the rest would wait for the basket to come down again.�
�Who wants to get up first?�
�Cheolpyeong, Jinsam, and In Mokso���
So Yeowol called the children�s names as they waited.�
A light of joy flashed on the faces of the children who were called. The children who were not called did not show any particular dissatisfaction.
This was because So Yeowol and her closest aides remained for the last.� The children who were called hurriedly climbed into the basket.
�I�ll go up first and wait.�
�We�ll go ahead.�
The basket with the children went up again.
Pyo-wol looked around with his arms crossed.
The sunlight was almost gone, and most of the structure was engulfed in darkness, but it was still clearly visible to Pyo-wol�s eyes.
This had been the place where they spent seven years.
He might not have any good memories in this place, but it can�t be denied that he felt somewhat sad now that he was about to leave this place.�
Pyo-wol suddenly removed the expression on his face.�
�What kind of feelings���
This place was hell.
Here he became a demon.
They were taught how to kill people.�
His hands were stained with children�s blood, and the smell of blood continues to linger.
In order to live, he had to kill others, and he had to thoroughly hide his feelings and inner thoughts. So his emotions were worn out, and the only thing that was left was a monster who knows how to kill.�
The human in Pyo-wol died. Only Pyo-wol, who was reborn as a monster, remained.
Maybe this place was the best fit for Pyo-wol.
If the basket had not come down at the right time, Pyo-wol�s thoughts might have continued endlessly.
The basket came down with a dull sound.
A light of joy flashed on the faces of the children who were left for last.�
The fact that they could go out soon, no matter how hard they tried to pretend, made them excited.
Finally, the basket reached the floor.
The children lined up and climbed into the basket. JrNovels.com