Chapter: 3164

The United Nations government of Ireland blocked the sea area and prohibited fishing boats from approaching, but the incident did not stop there. The mutation of the species became more and more exaggerated, and gradually radiated to the entire southern sea area. A cargo ship was attacked by a giant octopus on the route, and the ship sank , no survivors.

A fishing boat encountered a legendary mermaid. The crew of the whole ship was attracted by the singing, jumped into the sea, and became delicious in the belly of the mermaid. The empty boat drifted for several days before being found by the search and rescue team.

As the official organization of the Holy See, the joint navy wiped out the mutated marine life. Under the organization of the government, the Holy See sent a special team of spirit walkers, and the navy dispatched a special fishing team to investigate the sea area where the comet first fell.

"The extraterrestrial comet caused the mutation of the earth's species? It is also possible that the so-called extraterrestrial comet is the master of the Breaking Bad profession, and accidentally dropped a certain item?"

"It shouldn't be. If it was a prop, it would have been taken back a long time ago. It was intentional? It's not like that. It's meaningless to do so. It hurt so many civilians by mistake, and lost a lot of merit points for nothing."

"Moreover, if this is the case alone, it won't be enough to make a copy of Lingjing. There must be a deeper story behind this matter."

"After reading the background of the story, let's check the follow-up development."

After knowing the background of the story, Zhang Yuanqing felt much more at ease, and the feeling of confusion when he first entered the dungeon was much reduced.

He closed the file folder, returned it to its original place, glanced at it, and landed on the desk drawer, where a brass lock hung.

At this time, the light of the flashlight came in through the crack of the door, and the sound of footsteps approached. Click, the door of the captain's cabin was opened.

A soldier in a navy uniform came in, holding a gas lamp in one hand and a flashlight in the other, and the dark captain's cabin was dyed with a layer of warm firelight.

He moved the gas lamp, followed by scanning the captain's cabin, and retreated out after noticing anything unusual.

The warm light gradually faded away with the sound of footsteps. Zhang Yuanqing dismissed the night tour and looked at the desk drawer again. The desk had two drawers, one of which had a brass lock and the other had no padlock.

Zhang Yuanqing thought for a while, and opened the unlocked drawer, which contained telegrams between Haiyan and the United Nations Navy Headquarters in Ireland.

But the troublesome thing is that the telegram exchanges use codes, which Zhang Yuanqing can't understand.

Although Lingjing has an automatic translation function, the language and text will be automatically translated into your familiar native language, but the encoding is part of the decryption of the copy, and it is not in the category of automatic translation.

Zhang Yuanqing thought for a long time, and then performed the star escape technique, turning it into a starlight disappearing.

A few minutes later, the starlight rose again in the dark boat room, and he went back and forth, with an extra coding manual in his hand.

He got it from the telegraph room.

In this era, telegraph communication uses codes, which are divided into "universal codes" and "special codes". The former uses the familiar Morse code, and the latter is mostly used in wars. It is temporary and self-created. If there is no code book , is difficult to decipher.

Although the Haire is performing a secret mission, it is not a time of war, and no one will intercept the telegram. Therefore, Zhang Yuanqing guessed that the code on the telegram should belong to the conventional Morse code. If the code is a "special code", the difficulty of decryption is It has skyrocketed.

He sat at the desk and flipped through the manual in the dark shipyard, deciphering the content of the telegram. Half an hour later, Zhang Yuanqing completed the deciphering work and understood the content of the telegram.

The first telegram is dated August 12th, 1900 "Petrel sets sail, all is well, over!"

On August 14th, "Everything is going well on the Haiyan, it's over!"

On August 16th, "The Haiyan was attacked by mermaids, and the crew of II died!"

On August 18th, "Haiyan's cut is smooth, it's over!"

On August 25th, "The extraterrestrial object was successfully salvaged, the cardinal sealed it, and the Haiyan is ready to return, it's over!"

August 26: "The Haiyan is on its way back, everything is going well, over!"

The content of the telegram sent every two days is very short, and the reply from the Navy Headquarters is also very short, usually with condolences such as "received", "understand", and "God bless".

On the day II successfully salvaged the pollution source on the 15th, Haiyan sent an extra telegram.