Chapter: 1210

Professor Li was startled, looked at him in horror and said, "No, no, this won't work!"

He stuttered when he spoke, and seemed to be greatly frightened.

Yuan Che laughed, of course he knew that Professor Li didn't dare to let him go out at all. When he was about to run away or argue with Zhou Xiao, Professor Li was silent and silent. How could it be possible? Have the guts to let him out.

Besides, even if he really opened the door, Yuan Che also knew that there were countless people guarding it outside, and it would be impossible for him to leave this laboratory now.


He was actually stuck here, thinking of the days and nights he stayed here, how many times he thought he was the only one working hard here, but this building hides so many dark elements, he is such a big fool .

It's a pity that he is a handsome man, but he can't get out of such a building. If he knows kung fu like he is shown on TV, if he can fly over the roof, or...


It suddenly occurred to her that Su Yun tapped his acupoints last time to prevent him from moving. By the way, she knows kung fu!

His eyes lit up, he looked in the direction of the door, sat up straight and said, "Professor Li, I can understand your embarrassment, and I also know that you are threatened by them. I don't ask you to let me out, but can you, Pass me a letter?"

"Send...what letter?" Professor Li asked, and then shook his head subconsciously, "No, no, no, I can't! I can't do anything! It's already very risky for me to bring you some food and drink! I just don't want to Seeing you die here so quickly, Xiao Yuan, I'm sorry!"

As he said that, he stood up hurriedly and wanted to leave, but he stumbled and was pulled down again.

Yuan Che quickly grabbed the corner of his clothes and stopped him in time. He strangled his neck with his hands from behind, "Professor Li, I said, I understand your difficulties! But you really have to watch them. Kill me, kill everyone?"


"I don't regret dying, but what are they going to do? What are they doing with the poison of tripterygium vine, what are they trying to do?" Lowering his voice, Yuan Che whispered in his ear, "If they really succeed, what will happen? How many people have been victimized, the entire imperial capital, the whole country, or the whole world?"

Professor Li was shocked, and his struggling body stopped moving, and he listened numbly.

"Professor Li, you came up with the original intention of this experiment, you built the prototype, you organized it, and you raised the investment. If one day the world is devastated because of this experiment, you will be an eternal sinner!" Yuan Che continued! Whispering in his ear, every word and every sentence pierced his heart.

"No, it's not me! I didn't want to, I didn't think so!" Professor Li began to cry as he spoke, sobbing.

"I know, I know you don't think so. You also wanted to benefit mankind, but you were just used by bad people. I also know you have no choice but to help others do evil like this? You don't dare to do it, I will do it, and you help Me, help me spread the word, tell Su Yun, tell her the true purpose of this laboratory, tell her and let her think of a solution."

Professor Li was stunned, "Su Yun?!"

He thought that Yuan Che asked him to send a message to his parents or the police to have someone come to rescue him, but he didn't expect that it was Su Yun.

"Yes!" He nodded affirmatively. In fact, even Yuan Che himself found it ridiculous and ironic.

I used to look down on her in various ways, but now, when I am in danger, the person who needs help is actually her.

"This..." Professor Li hesitated, and then heard Yuan Che continue, "Professor Li, I know there must be someone watching you. If you call the police, you may be in danger before you even arrive at the police station. I know that it would be even more impossible for you to find my family. Only Su Yun, she is closely related to this laboratory. You can say that there is a problem with the bottleneck, or there is a problem with the previous data. She, then those people will not doubt her."

"Su Yun knows kung fu. Her husband is Si Yao. The Si family has great power in the imperial capital. Only she can help me, help you, and help us!" His mind was very clear and calm now. He didn't know if it was bread. And the power given by water is also very thorough.

Seeing Professor Li's face, he slowly let go of his arm, and persuaded him earnestly, "Professor Li, now I don't know what happened to your experiment, you can't tell me, I won't ask! But you should I know better than anyone that this can't go on like this. They may be threatening you with your family, but think about it, if they really succeed, the world will be in chaos, and your family will be safe by then ?�

Professor Li's expression was greatly shocked.

"I... I don't know, I can't help you, I can't!" He almost ran away, but this time, Yuan Che didn't stop him again.

What needs to be said has been said. He knew that Professor Li would definitely need time to think about it carefully, and he did not dare to agree to it easily.

As for whether he will help, I'm really not sure, I can only... resign myself to fate!