Chapter: 1235

"Si Yao called me last night and said he was back, but he still had something to do and couldn't go home for the time being, so I could rest assured. Xu Feng... I didn't talk to him directly, and I was in a hurry, so I didn't Think about it and ask this question. Wait for the next time, next time I call, I will definitely ask clearly!" Su Yun comforted her.

These words are half true and half false.

It's true that I didn't think of asking this question, but... Xu Feng was indeed not here either.

Because it was half-truth and half-false, and there were no logical problems, Eryan did not become suspicious, so she naturally believed it, nodded and said, "Okay! Then remember to ask for me next time. If he doesn't Be careful if you lose it. I won't treat him well when he comes back! We agreed when we got married that he could lose such an important thing when he had the ring. I really don't know what he did with all that time. of!"

Su Yun felt uncomfortable after hearing this, and did not dare to say more, for fear that if she spoke too much, her secret would be revealed, so she quickly stopped her and said, "Yes, yes, if you don't wait until he comes home, I will help you prepare a durian mace or something. Let him kneel down one by one!"

"Then there's no need, I'm not that fierce!" After muttering, Eryan wanted to say something else, but Su Yun yawned and said, "I was woken up by a phone call last night and didn't sleep well. I'm almost sleepy to death." Yes! I'm going back to catch up on sleep, and you should go back and have a good rest too! Now that they're all fine, you can rest in peace."

Seeing her yawning and squinting her eyes, she looked very sleepy indeed. Eryan nodded, knowing that she had been working hard recently and was very tired, so she warned her, "Okay, I'll go back and you should be well too." Get some sleep! President Si really is, knowing that you are still pregnant, how could he call you in the middle of the night, and he would not pick a better time. "

"That's right, I'll make him kneel when he comes back!" Su Yun nodded repeatedly.

Thinking of Si Yao's majestic appearance kneeling on the durian, Eryan couldn't help laughing, "Then I'm leaving!"

He picked up his backpack, turned around and took two steps. Then he thought of something and came back, "By the way, I told you before that King Y's royal family wants to customize a perfume..."

"Didn't you say you won't pick up?" Su Yun was startled, and almost forgot about it.

She has been so busy with so many things recently, how can she find time to take that order? It is troublesome and easy to offend people, not to mention the Royal Family of King Y. What does it have to do with her? She has no intention of doing any political social networking. She is just an ordinary person. Just a perfumer.

If you really like it, you can just buy her designs, customized ones, it depends on her mood.

"I refused, but the other party sent two more emails later, and the wording was not as polite as before. I thought that after all, it is the royal family, and it is not easy to offend too much, so I wanted to ask you what you meant." After a pause. , Eryan continued, "By the way, I have forwarded the email to your mailbox. Maybe you have been busy recently and haven't checked it. You can check it when you are free."

"Even if you refuse, don't make it too tense. We don't want to gain power and wealth, but we don't need to break up with those people. It won't be good for us." After Eryan calmed down, her mind became much clearer and she faced the problem. These things are more than enough.

Because she was worried about Xu Feng, her mind was in a state of confusion before, and she couldn't wait to go to South Asia, so she put this matter behind her. Now she is no longer worried. Xu Feng is fine, so she naturally has to bring this up. Let�s deal with it first.

Su Yun nodded. Eryan was right. Even if she didn't want to cling to them, she couldn't make the relationship too tense. After all, offending people from the royal family was not a good thing no matter from which angle.

"I understand, I'll check the mailbox later." She responded, "In the past few days, try to go out as little as possible and have a good rest."

After sending Eryan away, Su Yun pressed her chest and let out a long breath. After all, she still lied a little, and she felt a little sorry.

The most important thing is to meet Si Yao first and find out what happened to Xu Feng and what happened. He must be mentally prepared before telling Er Yan.

As for the list of King Y's royal family, I don't know why I am so persistent. I must let her make perfume. Although she has indeed made some statements internationally in the past two years, there are so many famous perfumers, why do they have to find her? .

Pressing her painful temples, she went to the study and turned on the computer. She wanted to make herself a cup of coffee, but when she touched the coffee machine, she thought about it and replaced it with hot milk.

When I turned around and came back, my computer was already on. I opened my mailbox and found that there were indeed many unread emails in it.

In fact, not many people outside know about her private email. For example, when royal family places orders, they always send letters to the studio's email. Most of them are received by the studio's public email. Eryan filters the messages. , deal with it, and then tell her.

If this is difficult and difficult to solve, forward it to her private mailbox.

She clicked on the top one first, which was forwarded by Eryan. It was written in English. She glanced at it while milking her milk. The wording was indeed rather blunt. She might have been rejected several times, which made her a little angry. , there was a sentence added at the end of the last letter, which probably meant that if she insisted not to accept the order, she would have to make an appointment to meet and refuse in person before she could accept it.

He also said that he was also entrusted by others and was just following orders. He hoped that Su Yun could understand the difficulties of the executors.

After pondering for a while, I really don't understand why I have to refuse in person. I always feel weird.

After thinking about it, Su Yun put down the milk, put both hands on the keyboard, and quickly wrote a reply.

I chose my words carefully and politely, so I said that I was not disrespecting the royal family, but because I was pregnant and my body was really inconvenient, I would not accept any orders recently. If I could wait, I would wait until she gave birth to see how things went. Must be prioritized. As for meeting, there is really no need. If the other party insists, then they can only make an appointment in the imperial capital of China. It is not convenient for me to travel far.