Chapter: 1326

"It's because we're not sure, so we have to do the experiment first. If we can't be sure of the results, how dare we use it on people." Su Yun straightened up and glanced at him, then turned around and went to feed the other mice.

She has been familiar with this virus for a few days, but because it is too cunning, and the pulse fluctuates, everyone's age and constitution are different, and there will be different corresponding changes. In order to be more cautious and accurate, she extracted the source of the virus from each person. Come out and put it on these experimental mice.

In the same way, the mice are also selected from different levels. It can only be said that they are relatively more accurate.

According to different situations, different adjustments have been made to the properties of the medicine. She only hopes that an antidote can be developed as soon as possible, so that this plague can disappear as soon as possible! Get rid of this virus.

"To be honest, I actually don't have much hope for your experiment." Seeing that she was concentrating on the experiment, Dr. Mo turned around and leaned against the table, and said lightly.

"En." Su Yun didn't bother, and only responded.

"Even if Chinese medicine is effective, it is too slow to take effect. This virus develops and mutates very quickly. I think the virus has already mutated before your medicine works. To put it bluntly, the effect of the medicine cannot keep up with the speed of virus mutation."

Looking at her back, Dr. Mo actually didn't have any hostility towards her, but simply...distrusted her.

too young!

It's not that he has never seen a powerful and famous Chinese medicine doctor, who has a lot of age and a lot of experience. To put it bluntly, it depends on the accumulation of experience.

This thing is different from Western medicine. There is an instrument and the data speaks for itself. To put it bluntly, Western medicine requires experience, let alone this mysterious Chinese medicine.

It's just that she was recommended by Mr. Yuan, and Director Liao respected and trusted Mr. Yuan very much, so he was very polite to her.

However, it is one thing to have no right to speak, but it is your own business not to trust.

She straightened up, her waist was a little sore, Su Yun thumped her medicine lightly, then turned to look at him, "You mean, you don't have confidence in our current project, do you think the virus can't be conquered?"

"..." Dr. Mo was taken aback, and quickly defended, "No, I didn't say that! I just said that you Chinese medicine..."

"Why is Dr. Mo so prejudiced against Chinese medicine? Do you think Chinese medicine is inferior to Western medicine?" Su Yun asked again.

Dr. Mo frowned, "I didn't mean that! I just think that even if your traditional Chinese medicine is effective, the effect is too slow and the cycle is long. It can't keep up with the speed of virus mutation, so..."

"When did I say that the medicine I took was to catch up with the speed of virus mutation?" Su Yun asked.

Dr. Mo: "???"

"This virus is indeed very cunning and smart. It mutates very quickly and is highly resistant to drugs. But why do we have to catch up with its mutation speed? What's more, from the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the so-called virus is just the human body's response to In response to external aggression, the human body enters a protective defense mechanism, and external aggression damages the human internal organs, resulting in different reactions on the body surface."

Dr. Mo: "???"

Can he say that he doesn't quite understand it?

"Then what you mean is...ignore it and let it mutate?" After thinking about it, he asked.

Su Yun shook her head, "What I mean is that the function of our traditional Chinese medicine is to regulate the damaged internal organs of the human body, mobilize one's own immune function, nourish Qi, and use offense as defense. Everyone's body has its own effects on itself. It has a sense of protection, which is why a common cold will be cured in a few days even if you don�t take medicine, it is the body�s self-protection and defense.�

"But this virus destroys this defense mechanism, and the role of the medicine I am studying now is to repair people's defense mechanism so that the body can actively fight and eliminate these viruses."

She spoke very seriously, and Dr. Mo was stunned.

After a few seconds, his lips moved and four words burst out: "A fantasy!"

It sounded like a fantasy to him! What body's defense mechanisms can be repaired and the self can contend with, is they still needed? Isn�t the purpose of developing drugs to target viruses in a targeted manner?

Sure enough, Chinese medicine is unreliable! Nonsense? This is not it!

Straightening up, he felt that staying here was a waste of time. "I'll go to other departments first and take a look. You are busy with your business. If you need anything, call internally."