Chapter: 1391

" there any misunderstanding here? Mr. Yuan, we are on the same page and have no conflicts. Why do you want to trouble my Zhou Xiao? Is...did I offend you somewhere?" Zhou Fuhai's The wording is already very polite.

If it was someone else, he would have arrested them all early in the morning, but for the members of the Yuan family, he still had to show some face.

"Stop pretending in front of me!" Yuan Sizhe was not so good-tempered towards him. "Zhou Xiao kidnapped my son and injected him with a virus. Now my son is still being tortured. If you don't hand him over, That's fine, we'll just wait here until she shows up!"

This seemed to mean to fight a protracted battle, but his words shocked Zhou Fuhai and Mrs. Zhou.

"What did you say? Kidnapping, virus! Are you kidding!" Mrs. Zhou screamed, "You have to have a temper when you slander someone! Listen to your words, don't you think it's ridiculous? My Zhou Xiao is such a quiet and weak girl. , can kidnap your son?"

"Then I have to ask Zhou Xiao! Since you don't know anything, let her come out and talk about it!"

"Say what you say!" Mrs. Zhou showed no sign of weakness, "Why should I confront you? Just say yes! Come on! Do you have evidence? Since you said that my daughter kidnapped your son, show me the evidence. !"

"Evidence?" Yuan Sizhe snorted coldly, "My Yuan Che is the best evidence! He is currently recovering from his injuries. What he said with his own eyes can be false? If Zhou Xiao is not handed over today, what will happen to this matter? It�s not over! Even if you move Minister Qin out, it�s useless! It�s useless for anyone to come!�

Before coming, Yuan Sizhe had already made all the preparations that needed to be done. The police station not only reported the case, but also reported it to the upper level, for fear that Qin Zheng would cover it up.

Although Qin Zheng has always been upright and has a good reputation, the vaccine project incident a while ago made everyone begin to question him. What's more, people are alienated from each other, and he and Qin Zheng are not familiar with each other, so he always keeps a secret. That's right.

Hearing that Yuan Sizhe took the initiative to move Qin Zheng out, Zhou Fuhai suddenly realized that this matter was a bit tricky. They were probably taking precautions before being so unscrupulous.

"Don't be so angry!" He said in a gentler tone, "Until the matter is clear, we are not enemies. You believe in your son, and I believe in my daughter, so why not call them together and face each other? Tell me, what�s going on?�

After speaking, he glanced sideways at his wife and signaled with his eyes.

Mrs. Zhou immediately understood that no matter what, she should inform Zhou Xiao first and let her take some precautions. What if the Yuan family went crazy and really went to trouble her.

"Okay, let's call Zhou Xiao out first!" Yuan Sizhe sent people to keep an eye on him first. An informant saw Zhou Xiao entering the house, so he immediately sent people to surround him and then came to the door.

Now he is not afraid that they will not hand over people. If they are not willing to take the initiative to hand over, he will turn this place upside down, and he is not afraid that no one will be found.

Zhou Fuhai smiled and said, "It's not that we don't make friends, it's that Zhou Xiao is really not at home. She is always obsessed with work and hasn't been home for many days. If you don't believe it, ask my wife..."

Mrs. Zhou was unhappy and felt that the couple was bullying others too much. But her husband winked and she could only say angrily, "Yes, my Xiaoxiao hasn't been home for many days."

Then he couldn't help but add another complaint, "She is addicted to work and experiments every day. She is locked in the laboratory every day and has no time to go shopping. She has no time to kidnap your son. Besides, what are we kidnapping him for? My family is not short of money, so are you blackmailing me?"

"Who knows why your daughter is so vicious!" Mrs. Yuan glanced at her and had nothing nice to say.

She saw her son's condition with her own eyes. He was tortured to look like that. All the high spirits he had before were gone. Now he could be said to be less human and less ghostly. Since Archer himself said it was Zhou Xiao, then It must be Zhou Xiao.

As for the reason, maybe she is just a pervert! There are so many psychopaths in this world, maybe Zhou Xiao is one of them!

"Anyway, hand the person over!"

They were getting a little impatient with the urging, and wished they could go in and grab the person out of it, and tortured him severely.

"I told you, our Xiaoxiao is really not here!" Zhou Fuhai explained patiently.

Yuan Sizhe smiled coldly, with a look that exposed his lie, "Mr. Zhou, you don't tell secrets in front of people. Frankly speaking, my people saw your daughter coming back with their own eyes. We will be here right away. You said No one is here? Doesn't this make us look like fools?"

"Joke! I don't know if he is there? Yours? I think you are blind!" Zhou Fuhai didn't believe it at all.

Does he know if his daughter is at home?

"You say that, do you want us to search it ourselves? Since you refuse to hand over the person, then we can only do it ourselves!"

After confirming that he was unwilling to surrender, Yuan Sizhe waved his hand, and the people behind him rushed forward.