Chapter: 149

What kind of shit fate is this!

In the past two days, Zhao Xin also remembered this shameless woman. The look in her eyes couldn't be more friendly.

Of course, Jiang Shiwei didn't care, after all, she focused all her attention on Su Yun, looked her up and down, saw the sweat on her face, felt really embarrassed, and said disdainfully, "What are you doing here?" ?!"

Su Yun smiled coldly: "Is this a joke in your family?"

"You..." Jiang Shiwei was choked, and just about to get angry, Rosen stretched out a hand in front of her, "Weiwei, this must be the Miss Su you mentioned before. "

Jiang Shiwei was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, it's her."

"Miss Su, if you subtract one ingredient from the essential oil formula and leave the rest unchanged, the deviation is indeed not big, but it is completely different." Rosen paused and said slowly, "You are a little bit different. Little clever one."

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him. Su Yun suddenly realized: "Are you the helper Luo Yuanhang asked for?"

No wonder he suddenly stopped being anxious, and according to the news from Su City, the factory in Weilan was back on track and started production in the normal process. In other words, he had solved the problem of essential oil formula. .

Of course, with the existing people in Weilan, it is absolutely impossible to find the reason, so he must be looking for foreign aid.

She has been here for the past few days and has no time to care about what kind of foreign aid Luo Yuanhang has found. Unexpectedly, today he took the initiative to send it to her door.

She wasn't very clear about who Rosen was, but the courtesy he received from the organizer last night and the fact that he could accurately tell his little thoughts on the essential oil formula showed that he was quite capable.

It's just that such a person, why should he help Luo Yuanhang.

Facing his sarcasm, Su Yun just nodded, "Thank you for the compliment."

She had no intention of arguing with them, and she didn't intend to argue with them here, but Jiang Shiwei was not such a willing person to give up.

Especially since Su Cheng got on the plane and saw her in the first class cabin, it can be said that Su Yun has caused her trouble all the way. Now it is rare that she feels that she has the upper hand, so how can she not take the opportunity to step on her twice? .

"Are you stupid?" Jiang Shiwei tugged at her sleeve and said arrogantly, "Who praised you? Who do you think you are? You are worthy of Mr. Rosen's praise! Do you know that in front of Mr. Rosen, You are just like a kindergarten kid, just the little clever tricks you are playing, don�t make me laugh so hard!"

"Su Yun, let me tell you, don't think that it's great to be a new student. After all, a new student is not a Uniasia!" She said proudly, "Besides, even if it is a Uniasia, why should we protect it? You, who do you think you are! I advise you, it�s best to take a clear look at yourself, know where you should stand, and don�t always have unrealistic dreams!"

These words made Zhao Xin on the side unable to listen any longer, and blocked Su Yun's face with a sullen face, "No matter where Su Yun stands, she relies on herself, unlike some people who only do things like chicken and dog stealing It�s really shameless to be self-satisfied after stealing other people�s things! Oh, I forgot, for this kind of person, they probably don�t know what a face is!�

She was always the type to be unforgiving, but she also didn't get angry casually. Now she really couldn't stand it anymore.

In front of her, those who bullied her thought she was dead!

After being robbed, Jiang Shiwei was so angry that her face turned white and red. She rolled her eyes and looked at Zhao Xin, "Who are you? It's your turn to talk here! The matter between me and her is none of your business." !�

"Su Yun is my colleague and my friend. Her business is my business." She puffed up her chest and used Xidong to express that she would support Su Yun to the end.

Su Yun saw Zhao Xin's actions and was quite moved.

Jiang Shiwei sneered, "Oh, let me tell you, it turns out you are a new student. No wonder you have eyes on the top of your head and are so arrogant! Let me tell you, this Su Yun is very capable of double-dealing, three-edged swords, and honey-bellied swords. You can't Don�t be ignorant of good people�s hearts, I�m kindly reminding you, don�t count the money for her after you are sold!�

"Don't worry, my eyes are bright, I can tell who is a human and who is a dog!"

"You..." She didn't expect that the other party was a tough one. The key point was that Su Yun didn't say a word, which left her with no sense of accomplishment at all. She was so angry that she said, "Don't think that you freshmen are so great, you are just a kid who is affiliated with Huanya. It�s just a company, not much better than Weilan. Besides, even in Huanya, there are a few perfumers who can compare with our Mr. Rosen."

She naturally took Rosen's arm, with a look of pride on her face.

Watching her movements, Su Yun was thoughtful.

"Okay Weiwei, don't waste your time here. We should spend our time on more important things."