Chapter: 1739

"I understand, Her Majesty the Queen! I promise, this matter will be resolved quickly!" He nodded and said, "Now, the most important thing is that you take good care of your body, and if you persist, soon you will have a Brand new, young and healthy body, you will continue your great unfinished business!"

"And before that, all you need to do is wait and trust me!" He emphasized again.

The Queen nodded, "Of course I believe you, but...I'm a little tired now."

"Oh, yes! Your Majesty the Queen, you need to rest. You really shouldn't come here!" With that, he raised his voice and said, "Someone! Send the Queen back to rest."

Someone came in immediately and pushed the Queen's wheelchair out.

Fred and Su Yun were the only two people left in the room again. He watched the queen leave, then slowly turned around and looked at Su Yun, his eyes filled with resentment.

"You, cunning, Hua Country woman!"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped him directly.

But he forgot that Su Yun had some skills. When he slapped him, Su Yun had already taken precautions. She directly raised her hand to pinch his wrist, then easily reversed it and caught him. up.

"Ahhh��" Fred yelled because of the pain, and his voice immediately attracted the guards outside to rush in, raising their guns at her in unison.

Su Yun's expression didn't change at all, she just glanced around and sneered, "Mr. Fred, do you think your hand was broken first, or I fell first?"

"Su Yun, how dare you!" As soon as he finished speaking, his facial expression became even more distorted, and he grimaced in pain.

As long as Su Yun exerted a little force on his hand, his wrist would have been twisted into a strange angle, and he was worried that it would be broken in the next second.

Although the people surrounding him had guns in their hands, they did not dare to actually shoot.

None of them dared to act rashly without Fred's order.

Su Yun grasped this point. As long as she had Fred in her hands, she could control them.

"You are really careless. Do you think that I really have to be controlled by you, and there is nothing I can do?" She shook her head and looked at Fred with a sigh.

"Su Yun, do you think it's useful to hold me hostage? Don't forget, your two children are still in my hands!" Fred sneered, but in the next second, a mask of pain appeared on his face.

"Really?" Su Yun smiled coldly and said, "Of course I remember that!"

"So now, please ask your men to send my child here intact!" She said word by word, her eyes cold.

The people beside him looked at each other, but Fred gritted his teeth and refused to let go.

Su Yun lost her patience and pressed her hand hard, "Click!"

With that "click", Fred screamed in pain.

The people with guns around her immediately took a step forward and surrounded her, forming an airtight encirclement. But even so, no one dared to act rashly.

"Let go of the Duke!" Someone shouted.

Su Yun glanced at them contemptuously, "If you don't want to watch your Duke die, then quickly bring my child here!"

"Don't move anyone!" Unexpectedly, Fred shouted loudly even though his face was grim in pain, "I will die when I die, and I will die for Her Majesty the Queen! And your two children, and even you It's worth it to be with your family!"

"Listen to my order!" He suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "No one is allowed to let this woman go. If necessary, she can kill her child!"

"How dare you!" Unexpectedly, Su Yun's expression changed, and she squeezed his wrist harder, almost twisting his arm into a curve.

"Ahhhhh-" The pain made the sweat on his face fall down, but Fred still refused to let go, "I can die, but Her Majesty the Queen's great cause must be completed!"