Chapter: 236

Su Yun took a look and pointed at the semi-finished product that the young man was carving, "It's about the size of that one. As for what to carve and what kind of wood to use, I'll tell you in two days, how about it?"

"Yes, yes!" The boss nodded again and again, "Then the deposit..."

"I'll pay part of it now, but I have one request."

"You can ask for whatever you want."

This kind of private customization is high in price and high in profit. The boss is naturally more than enthusiastic, as long as he can do it, he will agree.

"I want him to carve this work!" Pointing to the young man, she said seriously.

"???" The young man raised his head and looked at her in amazement, his face was full of questions about whether I heard it wrong.

The boss was also surprised, "He? But he is just an apprentice. If you require individual customization, our store has professional-level senior craftsmen..."

"No need." Interrupting the boss's introduction, Su Yun walked over and bent over to look at his semi-finished sculpture, "I think he did a good job, so I want him to do it."

"I can't do it well." Unexpectedly, he refused immediately.

"I think you did a good job. If you don't do it, then I'll find someone else to do it." After picking up the bag, Su Yun turned around as she spoke.

Seeing how the business he obtained could fly, the boss quickly stopped him, "Wait, girl, if you can appreciate his work, you can respect him. He has the final say, and I have the final say. That's all." Once you decide, he will do it and guarantee that it will be done properly for you and satisfy you!"

"Boss, I..."

"Shut up! If you don't do it, don't come!"


Su Yun paid the deposit and took the receipt, walked to the side of the boy's sculpture, looked down, bent down and picked up a small piece of debris, "Boss, can I take this away?"

"Yes, of course!"

The boss didn't take a small piece of debris seriously, and said disapprovingly.

Not far after walking out of the store, soft footsteps came from behind. Su Yun stopped without turning around, and the footsteps also stopped at the same time.

She smiled slightly, and continued walking forward, turning a corner quickly, leaning her body against the wall and waiting. Sure enough, it didn't take long before she saw the figure just now, walking forward and looking around.

"Are you looking for me?" Su Yun stood up and looked at him with a faint smile.

"..." After being exposed, she simply stopped hiding. The young man stared at her, "Why did you let me do it?"

"I think your craftsmanship is good!" Su Yun said with a smile.

"You haven't seen what I make, how do you know I'm good at it?" He was very unconvinced, "Are you deliberately trying to make things difficult for me?"

"What good is it for me to make things difficult for you?" She said, taking out the piece of wood she picked up just now, "Besides, why haven't I seen what you made, aren't you making it?"

"That hasn't been finished yet." When he mentioned what he made, his rebellious aura subsided a lot.

"I know, but the semi-finished products are already very similar. Besides..." She paused, "In fact, most of the wood carvings in the store are made by you, right? Including the pair of little figures I bought today ?�

After hearing her words, the boy was very surprised, "How do you know?!"

"Looking at the technique and strength of the knife drop, as well as the outline of the wandering, it is generally possible to see the commonality."

So what the boss said about senior craftsmen and masters is all nonsense, looking for some gimmicks to sell, anyway, those who come to buy this may not be more or less real experts, and it is not very clear which master carved it. Investigate carefully.