Chapter: 263

Even if he wanted to speak, the two of them were facing each other and coughing, so they couldn't.

"Sorry, I forgot to turn on the ventilator." Su Yun said, turned her body sideways, and turned on the ventilator in the room. When the wind came up, the smell dissipated quickly.

After finally regaining her composure, Eryan wiped the tears from her eyes and looked around, "Sister Yun, what are you doing? Why does it smell so strong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to try to mix some of the most pungent and strong flavors together, what effect will it have."

When she came here, she was in a depressed mood, and she didn't have any big thoughts. She just felt that what happened today was particularly depressing, as if she couldn't get up or down in her chest.

So what do you get when you mix all the unpleasant things together?

The business of perfumery sometimes requires a little bold attempt. She closed the door and immersed herself in it, but she really didn't pay attention to the movement outside the door.

"The effect is to kill people!" Zhao Xin hadn't recovered yet and said while coughing, "Your idea is too brave, cough cough cough..."

"Actually, I think the effect won't be too bad. I kept a few samples to wait for the results to come out." She took off her gloves, her expression still very serious.

"You... Seriously?"

It's not that Zhao Xin doubted her ability, it's because the smell is so powerful now, it's like a gust of air rushes through the nasal cavity and reaches the back of the head, even the top of the sky can be blown away.

The initial taste has already been brewed like this, it�s hard to say what the middle and later taste will be like.

But it was obvious that she was in a bad mood now, and Zhao Xin didn't want to fight her, so she said, "Okay, since it's done, let's pack it up and go back, it's getting late."

"I'll take her back." Eryan volunteered.

It was still taking a taxi, but as soon as the two of them got in the car, the driver reflexively turned back, "Hey! Girl, you have enough perfume!"

Eryan smiled sheepishly. In fact, as a perfumer, it is not surprising that there are often strange smells on the body. It does not always smell fragrant anytime and anywhere. After all, the smell of spices is very complex, and there are various A refining process.

They are also used to the different gazes they may receive in public, but such a strong and special smell like today is really rare.

Even people like Eryan, who has been soaked in spices for a long time and is used to it, find it too much, let alone people outside.

Su Yun was obviously worried. She didn't say anything. She just got in the car and looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

The driver was a chatterbox, and he couldn't stop talking. He opened the window while driving and asked, "Do you mind if I open the window to let some air in?"

Eryan smiled awkwardly and shook her head, it was indeed better when the night breeze came in.

"Girl, what brand of perfume did you buy? It's really exciting!" the driver asked while driving.

"Small brand, small brand." Eryan laughed dryly twice.

The driver looked understanding, "No wonder it's so strong! Girl, let me tell you, this perfume doesn't have to be particularly strong to be fragrant. Sometimes it should be lighter to make it more attractive. Hey, you just smell it. No, I met one before. I didn�t feel anything when she got in the car, but when I got out of the car, I realized that my car was very fragrant. It�s fragrant.�

"Although I don't know what brand of perfume it is, I think it must be a big brand."

"Why must it be a big name?" Su Yun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Not to mention Eryan, the driver turned his head in surprise and looked at her from the corner of his eye, "Obviously! Only big-name perfumes can last for such a long time, and that fragrance... I think it's a big-name perfume." , or an international famous brand!"

"I'm still thinking about saving up enough money to buy a bottle for my wife, but unfortunately I don't know what brand it is, hey!"

Su Yun didn't speak anymore. When she got out of the car and was about to close the door, she looked at the driver and said, "It's not just international brands that are the best!"
