Chapter: 288

It seems that Lisa also knew this man, she took the initiative to speak up for Su Yun, in fact, she did not expect Helen to be like this.

"Lisa." The man nodded at her, looking quite reserved, "Your friend?"

"Yes, my friend! Su is saving Nannan and not hurting him. I can guarantee that!"

Helen on the side was still saying, "Lisa, is she a doctor? How can you ensure that she didn't hurt Nan Nan. Maybe Nan Nan was fine originally, but being messed up by her like this made it worse. She made her dirty Put your hand in my son's mouth..."

Hearing this, Lin Shangyan's eyes flashed behind his lenses, "What have you done to him?"

"She put her hand into Nannan's mouth and unbuttoned his clothes. Lin, it's not's really not me! How could I harm my own son..." Helen struggled and said.

"If you objected at the time, why didn't you say anything! Su was obviously trying to save Nannan, and you knew why you slandered her like this!" Even Lisa, a mutual friend, couldn't hold her breath at this moment.

She was so angry, because she regarded Helen as a friend, and even sympathized with her, but she never thought that she would turn right and wrong into black and white like this.

It was obvious that Su Yun was rescuing people. There were so many people at that time who had no idea and were frightened. She was the only one who decisively rescued people. No matter what the result was, her motive was definitely correct, but Helen insisted that he was harming people. child! How can a person be like this!

"I was...too anxious..." After muttering, Helen's voice was obviously much softer.

Lin Shangyan ignored her at all and kept looking at Su Yun, "Tell me, what did you do to my son?"

There was no joy or anger on his face, and his mood at the moment could not be seen from his face. This man was very deep and his thoughts were hidden deep in his heart.

"I saw the child's condition and judged that he had a food allergy, but because the situation was urgent, I couldn't judge the allergen. And before the ambulance arrived, some first aid measures must be taken to prevent the situation from getting worse. So I just let him vomit , spit out what he ate to reduce the absorption of allergens, and then fed some water. The reason why he unbuttoned his clothes is because severe allergies can cause breathing difficulties, which will make him more comfortable."

She candidly stated her motivation for doing these things, "That's how things are. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to Mr. Lin."

After she finished speaking, Lin Shangyan didn't answer immediately, his eyes were as deep as the sea. Although he didn't say anything, the suffocating and depressing atmosphere was even more uncomfortable, as if the air had condensed.

This man looks like Si Yao in some ways, he has an aura of calm and prestige, even if he doesn't speak, just looking at you quietly like this will make you sit upright unconsciously, such a man, Born to be a leader.

It's no wonder that Helen is scared like that, but no matter what the reason is, it's not the reason for her to treat herself as a dead ghost.

After a moment, Lin Shangyan said, "Thank you."

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, Su Yun remained calm, "You're welcome."

Only Helen on the side was stunned for two seconds and hysterical, "Lin, why don't you believe me?! You would rather believe someone you just met than me. I am Nan Nan's mother!"

"I said, you don't deserve it." He said calmly.

At this time, the door of the emergency room opened, and a doctor walked out, "Who is the child's family?"

Lin Shangyan went forward, "I am the father of the child."

"The child has severe allergies. You should pay more attention to your diet and avoid contact with allergens. You must pay special attention to food." The doctor gave a rough explanation. Basically, the child is fine now, but if not If you take good care of it, it may cause serious problems.

In fact, it was pretty much what Su Yun had guessed. She was not a doctor, she had just seen how people with allergies like this were dealt with.

The child moved to the ward to rest. After making sure that nothing happened, Su Yun stood up and left, "Since nothing happens, I will leave first."

"Wait a minute." Lin Shangyan stopped her and walked in front of her, "You saved my son, what reward do you want?"

Su Yun: "???"

"No, it's just a little effort. I actually didn't do anything. If you want to thank me, you should thank the doctor." She pointed in the doctor's direction, not intending to ask for any reward.

"Are you sure you really don't want it?" He seemed surprised and emphasized, "Whether it's money or things, as long as you want my help, you might as well say it boldly."