Chapter: 47

In fact, Luo Yuanhang was not afraid of being discovered by Su Yun about his relationship with Jiang Shiwei. She was so determined to herself that she never believed those things. Every time he said a few nice words, she would obediently believe them. How could she doubt it?

However, her behavior in the past two days was really strange, especially when facing Weiwei.

This made him have to think more, so he simply took a gamble and struck first, and then broke through.

"Are you jealous of Shi Wei?" Luo Yuanhang continued to ask, observing the change in her complexion.

Su Yun glanced at him and said nothing.

And her silence made Luo Yuanhang believe in his own judgment even more.

"Su Yun, aren't you!" He sighed heavily, and his grip on her arm became somewhat looser. He shook his head and said, "After so many years, I thought no one could destroy the relationship between us. , can definitely withstand the test, but how can you..."

"I don't know what you heard or saw, but there must be a misunderstanding. You, me, and Jiang Shiwei, the three of us have known each other for a year or two. If I want to have anything with her, , It�s been there a long time ago. Don�t listen to the gossip outside, those people are eager for chaos in the world. Yun�er, don�t be used by others!�

With that said, he let go of his hand and turned to touch her shoulder, trying to hold her in his arms with some strength.

Su Yun quickly took two steps back, avoiding his touch, and asked lightly, "Oh? Really?"

Unable to understand her, Luo Yuanhang continued to follow the train of thought just now, "Of course! Didn't we agree to win the prize in this competition and go to get the certificate? If you don't believe me, we will now Go get the certificate! Let's go get married!"

Now he can't take care of so much, the situation is urgent, so let's stabilize Su Yun first.

Su Yun was a little funny.

I have been looking forward to the words for many years, but now my ears are full of irony.

Get a certificate? marry? He thinks beautifully!

Putting away the mocking smile on her face, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's okay. If you want to prove it, you don't need to bother."

Seeing her expression, Luo Yuanhang thought that she had been convinced by him and changed her mind. He quickly stepped forward and said, "Yes, we should trust each other. You can help me through difficulties every time. This time It will, won't it?"

"Okay." Nodding, Su Yun said, "Actually, I have a way that can not only prove that you and Jiang Shiwei are innocent, but also save the company from the current dilemma."

"What can we do?" Luo Yuanhang asked excitedly.

If so, it would be the best.

In the past two days, although he tried his best to smooth this matter and did a lot of public relations work, the wave of public opinion was still very strong, and the impact on Weilan was not small. This can be seen from the sales in the past two days.

Especially for a company like them that is growing and wants to grow, reputation is very important.

Su Yun's eyes were full of his anxiety.

At least one thing he said was right. Every time he encountered difficulties in the past, she helped him through them.

She worked hard to produce new products and creative ideas, thinking that she was working hard for the future of two people, but she never thought that she was making wedding dresses for others.

"The method is very simple." She raised the corners of her lips and said unhurriedly, "We'll go back now and go to the press conference to make a final clarification. You go and tell the media and reporters that all Weilan's perfume works in the past, I made them all, and I deserve all the awards I've won. Are you going?"

Luo Yuanhang stared at her with wide eyes. She was still two steps away from him, but he felt that she was almost in front of him, making him unable to breathe.

"You want me to die!"

Gritting his back molars, he squeezed out almost every word.

Su Yun laughed out loud, "How could it be? Isn't what I said the truth? Which of Weilan's best-selling models in recent years has not been prepared by me day and night? You are just announcing a fact to the public. is it hard?"