Chapter: 598

"Don't be so pretentious, so you still admit that you added something to the spices, and you added other additives during the process of making the fragrance, right? What exactly did you add?"

Booing is always the fastest. When one person speaks, countless others will agree.

She put away the smile on her face and looked around seriously. Her seriousness and seriousness also made everyone else quiet down, wondering if she was going to get angry.

"Everyone, before I explain to you what was added to it, I want to talk about why I added other things." She lowered her head and walked slowly, looking a little solemn.

The pace was slow, as if every step was heavy and sad.

For a while, no one spoke, and they all actively quieted down, waiting for her next words.

After walking back and forth, Su Yun finally stopped and looked up at the audience again, "You may have heard about it, just last month, my grandfather passed away."

"My grandfather is a very strict but kind-hearted old man. He has always been in good health, but in his later years, he unexpectedly suffered from insomnia. He couldn't sleep well, and couldn't sleep all night." She said in a low voice. Telling, the voice is low and low, people unconsciously follow her emotions into it, and feel very emotional and sad.

"For the elderly, eating and sleeping are two important things. If you don't eat well or sleep soundly, it will affect your health. Therefore, as a junior, I thought hard about whether I can do my part in the matter of grandpa. Later, I So I tried adding ingredients to the spices to help people sleep."

After a pause, her voice raised a little, "As we all know, it's not uncommon for incense to help you sleep. Some incense with special flavors, such as lavender, can make people feel at ease. It's just that For severe insomnia patients like my grandfather, it is not very helpful. So I tried to add some ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine that can help sleep and calm the mind. I also adjusted the weight and taste many times. "

There seemed to be a force in her words, and she persuaded people unconsciously. They felt that what she said was very reasonable, and they gradually understood, so it turned out to be such a thing.

"So, the 'poison' you are talking about is actually medicine? Then why do you say it is poison?" Someone raised his hand and raised an objection.

Su Yun smiled naturally, "The medicine is three-point poison!"

"..." That seems to be the truth.

Soon someone else said, "Do the perfumes sold by Huanya and other fragrances and essential oils that you blend also contain these 'poisons'?"

Shaking her head, Su Yun said, "The medicine added is aimed at my grandfather's disease. Not all consumers need this special effect, so of course they won't add it. Besides, do you think that adding more Chinese medicine ingredients will Is the cost lower than if we don�t add anything? Then don�t we increase the cost ourselves and become a charity?�

She said half-jokingly, and there was a roar of laughter from below, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

Even other Huanya staff also laughed, not expecting that the situation would suddenly turn around.

Not only is the crisis gradually being resolved, it's even better than they imagined.

You must know that according to the original solution, it is nothing more than denying the authenticity of the recording, or admitting that you are talking nonsense, but these two methods can only be a temporary solution.

After all, in this age of Internet information development, it is very easy for someone with a heart to use this audio to make a deeper detailed explanation to prove that the recording is what she Su Yun said, and to add fuel to the flames.

Huanya cannot be too forceful. Things have already caused a stir. Directly using capital to suppress it at this time will only make people feel that what is said on the Internet is the truth.

But Su Yun stood here, talking in a few words easily, neither denying it, but also explaining it clearly. If someone wants to use the recording to make a fuss, it is already unreasonable. Anyway, they have already admitted it. I've told you everything.

"But Ms. Su, I have done experiments before. After adding other ingredients, the performance is very unstable. Are you sure, is it really feasible? Have you really succeeded?" The perfumer who answered Si Yao's question.

Obviously, he was still not convinced.

After all, I have tried many times without success. Seeing that Su Yun is so young, I simply don't believe that she has the strength.

As she said, spices have the ingredients of helping sleep and calming the mind, and that is also because of the inherent properties of the raw materials, and adding some other things, how can it be so easy, the fusion of fragrances, the compatibility of properties, these are all To take into account.

What's more, it's one thing to consider it, but it's another thing to actually implement it and succeed. He still remains skeptical.

"Here, there are two samples." Walking to the table, she opened the box she brought, and inside were two brown glass bottles, which were kept in good condition. I went back to the lab and made it with my assistant."

"One bottle adds calming ingredients, and the other bottle adds refreshing ingredients, which are completely different. If you have any doubts, you can try it." She said generously.