Chapter: 651

Si Yao smiled, then listened to her words and looked at the rows of rings attentively.

At first glance, the difference is probably not that big. Each of the same rings is inlaid with diamonds, but the diamonds are not as big as the individual diamond rings, and the carvings on the finger rings are different.

After glancing at it twice, Si Yao reached out and took out the two rings, "Is this one?"

Looking into his hands, there is a small diamond in the middle of the two rings, and the rings around the fingers are two frosted plain rings, which look simple and elegant.

"There's not so much entanglement and complexity, just like the simplicity and purity between you and me." Taking her hand, Si Yao said while putting the ring on her finger.

Su Yun looked down at the ring on her finger. It was magical. Just a small circle encircling your finger seemed to encircle your heart.

Rubbing the ring lightly with her fingers, she raised her head and chuckled, "I like it."

Soon they were all selected, and the two of them got up and went out. The shopping guide lady had already taken Si Yao's card to check out. Si Yao answered the phone and was talking about something, so she walked out first. There were other people in the store who were making choices. jewelry.

"Mom, I think this one is just fine. It doesn't have to be jade, diamonds are also good."

"What do you young people know? Gold is valuable and jade is priceless. No matter how expensive this diamond is, how can it be compared with jade?" The old man's voice was obviously unhappy.

It wasn't that Su Yun wanted to notice, the main reason was that what he said was a bit too abrupt.

This jewelry store originally only made diamonds. Standing in the diamond store and yelling that diamonds are not as good as jade, what do the shop assistants think and what do people who come here to buy diamonds think.

"All right, you like jade, but there is no suitable one. Since there is no suitable one, why don't you choose here to see if you like it. Chengye is going to be engaged next month, you have to dress decently, right? "

Su Yun looked in the direction of speaking, and saw a rich old lady sitting by the counter with a face full of displeasure, and the middle-aged woman standing beside her seemed to be in good condition, but the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and The shallow nasolabial folds on her face could not conceal her age.

"Take a look at this one, and this one, both are pretty good. It suits your temperament very well." The shopping guide hurriedly recommended.

"They are all vulgar." She snorted, and the old lady was obviously very dissatisfied. "Do you have any pink diamonds or blue diamonds? They have to be different from others. Take them out and show them to me."

"Yes, but the prices are relatively..."

Generally, if the price is too expensive, the shopping guide will remind you tactfully.

Firstly, it is risky to carry such an expensive thing, and it is not easy to show it, and secondly, I am afraid that others will not be able to afford it.

Of course, this kind of words can sometimes easily offend people, especially those with extremely strong self-esteem, who will feel insulted, like right now.

"What do you mean! What's the matter with the price, old lady, can't I afford it?" Raising her voice, she immediately attracted the attention of others and looked in her direction.

"That is to say, how do you talk! Do you know who my mother is?" The middle-aged woman was also very upset, "We are the Si family, Huanya Group, do you know?"

"..." Eyes wide open, Su Yun wondered if she heard wrongly.

Si family? Huanya Group? Could it be that there is someone with the same name?

"Yes, yes, I made a mistake. I'll get it for you." She apologized repeatedly, and the shopping guide quickly went to get the expensive diamond jewelry.

The proud mother and daughter raised their heads and glanced proudly around the store, but they stopped when they collided with Su Yun's gaze.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Su Yun felt that they seemed to know her, but their eyes were somewhat unkind.

"Okay, let's go." Si Yao just finished answering the phone and came out. After paying the money and picking up the things, he said to her, but he saw her looking straight ahead, not knowing what she was looking at.

"What's wrong?" he asked, turning his head to follow her line of sight, his eyes fixed.

"Wait for me." Si Yao said, and then walked straight towards the two women, "Grandma, aunt."