Chapter: 747

Unexpectedly, this kid would jump out halfway, and almost ruined his whole chess game.

Fortunately, fortunately, he discovered it in time and made arrangements, so that he thought he had really successfully kidnapped himself. How naive!

Thinking that he has taken root here, for so many years, not to mention the superficial, there are his people on both sides, Luo Yuanhang has a little power, if he really wants to do something, will he not know?

Do you really think that you can trap him with that little guy? In front of him, those people were completely vulnerable.

But this is good, it saves trouble, and all potential threats are dealt with in one pot.

In the new round of Yun's meeting, there were many new faces, but Yun Boqian still sat at the top of the table. "There are two things to announce at today's meeting. First, I, Yun Boqian, will step down from my position. The position of Yun's chairman has been relegated to the second line."

"Mr. Yun..." the people below exclaimed.

It's not easy to settle down. Why should he step down at this time? What if something goes wrong again.

"Don't worry yet." He raised his hand and continued, "Just because I'm resigning doesn't mean that I don't care about anything anymore. I will still assist the new chairman, but... all the decision-making power, It will be up to the new chairman to make the decision."

"Let us welcome the new chairman."

The door opened, and Yun Chuyao walked in.

Many people gasped. Many people thought he was dead, but they didn't expect that he was not only alive, but also appeared here alive, and became the next chairman of the Yun Corporation.

By this time, many quick-witted people have figured it out, and all the ups and downs before co-authoring are all paving the way for this day.

After clearing all the obstacles ahead for him and allowing Yun Chuyao to securely ascend to the throne, he is truly the heart of all parents in the world!

Soon, everyone began to applaud and welcome, at least to show their support for the newly appointed chairman.

Yun Chuyao walked over and said in a deep voice, "This is not the first time I have come to the company, nor is it the first time I have participated in a meeting, but today, it is the first time I stand here in this capacity. In the days to come, I will I am willing to work with you through thick and thin to make Yunshi even more glorious."

"Chu Yao, I don't need to introduce you to everyone. We all know each other. Now let's talk about the second thing. Our company will develop a new project recently. This new project may become the company's main profit source when developed. , and this project is in charge of Chuyao. Now let him tell you about this new project.�

Sitting next to Yun Boqian, Yun Chuyao took out the document bag, took out the documents, took a USB flash drive and handed it to the conference secretary, asked her to put it into the computer, and then made a projection.

When everyone saw the words on the big screen clearly, they were stunned for a moment, "Wood carving?!"

This is a project that the company has never been involved in. How could it have thought of developing this? And is this thing really profitable?

"Yes, it's wood carving!" Nodding, Yun Chuyao responded, "I know you must have some concerns. After all, our company has never done this project before."

After a pause, he stood up and continued, "Actually, it's not that it has never been done before. It's just that because the project is not yet mature, it has not been widely implemented. It is just an early attempt."

"In the past few months, I went to southern Yunnan and some tropical areas. First, I went to choose suitable wood, and by the way, I talked about suppliers. Second, I also explored this market. It is because there are not many people paying attention to it now. , not much has been done, so the market potential is still huge.�

"Wood carving is a work of art, and its collection value is very high. There are many enthusiasts who charge sky-high prices for this kind of collection. As for the suitable wood carvers, I have also screened. In addition... Not long ago, I just Talk about an order, this order should be enough for us to eat for at least three years!"

Then pull out all kinds of data analysis done, which is clear at a glance.

If there were people who had doubts just now, they all dispelled their worries now and even felt very interested.

"Not bad. Some of our company's projects are passable at present, but after all, it is a sunset industry, so we still need to be aware of the crisis. I didn't expect Mr. Xiaoyun to be so far-sighted. I think this project is okay."

"What's Mr. Yun, I'm going to change my name to Mr. Yun now!"

"That's right. Director Yun! I believe that under the leadership of Director Yun, our Yun family will have better development prospects."

"Support Yundong! Support new projects!"