Chapter: 883

After Yu Xiruo went upstairs, Yu Xihe stood up straight, took the empty bowl to the kitchen, turned on the faucet, and cleaned it with a rag.

She washed carefully and unhurriedly. After washing, she put the bowl back into the cupboard, looked at the kitchen carefully, and then turned back to her small room.

The basement is very dark, but she is used to such an environment. Sitting in the corner, the light from outside falls in, just at the position of her toes. She can touch the warmth by stretching her feet, but she His feet were curled up and the tips of his toes were hooked. He was so close, but he just couldn't touch her.

Her hands hugged her knees, and what she held in her palms was the distorted golden bump. After all, she was found back, but she could never restore it to its original shape.

In this world, there really has never been anything that completely belongs to her. Whether it is a person or anything else, she should not have extravagant hopes or greed, but... how can a living person have no desires? How could there be no desire?

Upstairs, Yu Xiruo entered the room, closed the door and closed the curtains, and turned on the bedside lamp, then carefully took out a box from her arms, opened the box, and there was a book lying quietly inside.

For a moment, her heart seemed to be beating violently, and she couldn't wait to open it, but when her fingers touched it, she was so nervous and trembling.

She couldn't describe her joy when she finally got what she had been thinking about for so long.

Opening the pages of the book, she greedily looked at the handwriting and paintings inside. Every move and every move was something she had never seen before. It really was a peerless martial arts secret book. Si Yao also pretended to tell her that there was no such thing. It was really hypocritical. !

He scoffed disdainfully in his heart, and began to gesture unconsciously with his hands, eager to learn the top martial arts in the world.

Just after practicing for a few times, her phone rang. She didn't want to answer it. She was immersed in her own world and ignored it.

But the person who called seemed to be very stubborn. If she didn't answer, she would call again. The ring kept ringing, and finally she got impatient. She walked over and answered angrily, "Hello!"

"Xi Ruo, I've... got what you want." On the phone, Si Chengye's voice was filled with pride.

Hearing it was his voice, Yu Xiruo remembered that she almost forgot about him, and smiled mockingly, "Really?"

"Aren't you happy?" He listened keenly to Yu Xiruo's voice, it seemed that he was not so happy, at least not as happy as he imagined, so he couldn't help asking strangely.

Yu Xiruo smiled, and continued, "I'm happy! Of course I'm happy, so... when will you give it to me?"

"I'll give it to you, of course I will give it to you! But don't worry, shouldn't we sit down and have a good chat about what we talked about before?" If he raises the price, he will not give it out so easily, he must meet the conditions he is satisfied with.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" When talking to him, Yu Xiruo's eyes kept falling on the book and did not look away for a moment.

Si Chengye held his mobile phone and said confidently, "Well, it's better to hit the sun than to catch the sun, why not just at seven o'clock tonight, just upstairs from the hotel last time, I have a suite that I have booked for a long time, It�s relatively safe.�

He paused, maybe afraid of her hesitation, and added, "You also know how important this thing is. If it falls into other people's may be more difficult. Besides, the things we are talking about For the matter, we should find a quieter place and have a good talk."

"Yes." She agreed simply, "See you tonight!"

He hung up the phone decisively without being sloppy at all. Si Chengye was somewhat suspicious of her clean and neat reaction.

It stands to reason that Yu Xiruo's reaction should be ecstatic and eager to wait. Although she agreed to herself, she also agreed very happily, but her reaction... how should I put it, was always a bit unexpected, not at all like It was exactly as he expected.

He felt a little obedient in his heart, but he thought about it again, this woman can't be deduced with common sense, so the reaction is strange, maybe it's not strange for her.

Thinking about it this way, he hummed a song, took a shower and shaved, and was going to have a good chat at night, to welcome his brand new life!


Six o'clock in the evening.

Si Chengye left home on time and was about to go to the hotel for an appointment. When he was going out, Si calmly walked in. Seeing his proud look, he couldn't help but take a second look, "Are you going to flirt?"

"Bah bah! It's so ugly, I'm going to discuss business, a big deal!" After spitting twice, Si Chengye said happily.

"What kind of business can you talk about? Do you have any capital to talk about business?" Looking up and down, Si Congrong actually didn't value him too much, but people all depend on their position, compared to Si Yao. , at least the two people's positions are consistent.