Chapter: 5024

"Who stipulates that the previous head of the family must agree to be the head of the family? To put it another way, as long as he doesn't dare to object, wouldn't it be fine?"

An Chengqi was once very worried about the shaping of Ye Chen's personality, character, and outlook on life as he grew up.

As a mother, she naturally hopes to always give Ye Chen the best education, the best environment, and the best guidance.

But the actual situation is that she can only watch silently as Ye Chen grows up with other children in the orphanage. She can only watch silently as Ye Chen drops out of school after graduating from high school and goes to work on a construction site, but she cannot intervene in any way.

Once upon a time, she was also worried about whether Ye Chen's views would be distorted in that kind of environment, whether he would be too philistine, and whether he would be too commercial. But fortunately, between Ye Chen's childhood as a rich young master and his later status as a poor orphan, I have found a good middle point for my three views.

This not only allowed him to maintain a normal outlook on life and a proper sense of justice, but also allowed him to avoid his father's overly harsh self-imposed moral standards.

in other words.

To a certain extent, this greatly makes up for Ye Changying's character shortcomings.

Just like the position of the head of the Ye family,

The normal succession process for the head of the family should wait until the old man Ye Zhongquan decides to retire, and then Ye Zhongquan personally points out who will inherit. If other children have objections, they must find a way to make the old man change his mind. Those with more cruel intentions may also find a way first. Get rid of the original heir, and then take the throne himself.

Today's wealthy families are like this, and so are the princes and generals in ancient times.

But Ye Chen didn't follow the Ye family's example.

Not only did he not follow the traditional process, he didn't even say hello to the Ye family when helping himself to the position.

He just told Wan Pojun in an understatement in front of the Ye family that he had just taken over the affairs of the Ye family and was short of manpower. Since Wan Pojun wanted to submit to him, he must be loyal to him.

In one sentence, he not only conquered the entire Wanlong Palace, but also directly told everyone that he was already the head of the Ye family. He did not give the Ye family any chance to react or consider, and did not even bother to tell them his decision in person. Just tell the results directly to the third party and let them listen.

But it was precisely because of such an unruly and uncompromising tough approach that Ye Chen took the position of the head of the Ye family without any hindrance. If Ye Zhongquan refused to give up that position, he could only stand up obediently and abdicate in favor of others. .

When An Chengqi heard about this from Tang Sihai, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

An Chengqi had never paid attention to the little assets of the Ye family, but the position of the head of the Ye family was a knot in her heart.

At that time, everyone knew that their husband was the most suitable for this position, but everyone in the Ye family was pretending to be stupid, so that until his death, the husband could not really become the leader of the Ye family.

An Chengqi has been complaining about this matter for her husband.

And this knot in her heart was finally opened easily by Ye Chen after twenty years, which made An Chengqi extremely happy.

At the same time, it also made her look forward to Ye Chen's future even more.

at the same time.

The old house of the Ye family.