Chapter: 5812

The commander asked with a heavy heart: "Song Qianshi, is the purpose of this... this big exchange of blood, so that all the knights must be separated from their families?"

Song Qianshi did not hide anything, nodded and said: "Of course, as long as they are in the Cavalry Guard sequence, no one can be exempted, including you, the commander."

After that, Song Qianshi said coldly: "Loyalty to the British Lord is not something you say with your mouth. The Governor must ensure that if you have the intention to defect in the future, your family members will be rotated out. Before you want to defect, there will be more With a few bonds, you can escape, but if you escape, all your family members will be executed immediately, leaving no one alive! If you die loyally for the British Lord, your family members will also receive the highest level of preferential treatment! "

There are some secrets about Song Qian's affairs that he did not explain to these people.

This order for a major blood change was not the decision of the Grand Governor Wu Shutong, but the decision of the British Lord Wu Feiyan.

Everyone in Cyprus, from the Cavalry Guard to the Dead Soldiers, disappeared, allowing Wu Feiyan to guess that the mysterious enemy should have a way to detoxify the poison.

Therefore, if Nigeria's plan fails this time, she must be on guard against that mysterious man inciting other dead soldiers to rebel.

Therefore, she came up with a big change of blood, completely disrupting all the knight guards stationed in the dead soldiers. First, she separated them from their families, and second, they broke down and reorganized their organizations, so that they were completely separated from each other. The cohesiveness cultivated over many years.

In this way, if a certain station is targeted by a mysterious person again, these Cavalry Guards will never dare to be seduced by others once they consider their families before facing the temptation of rebellion.

Because once any of them goes missing, their family members living in other camps will be killed on the spot.

On the contrary, if they bravely resist the enemy, even if they leave a body or a head, their families will benefit from it.

To put it bluntly, they want to use the family members of each Cavalry Guard to blackmail the other party to ensure that he would rather die than dare to defect.

Wu Feiyan believed that once the major exchange of blood was completed, any Cavalry Guard stationed in the future would fight the enemy to the bitter end.

As for those dead soldiers, Wu Feiyan also thought about the same blood exchange process. However, the difference between the dead soldiers and the knight guards is that the knight guards are already in contact with the outside world. They have legal status in the country where they are located and can arrange transfer to the world at any time. Anywhere.

But the dead soldiers can't.

The dead man has no identity, and in order to prevent the dead man from remembering clues during the transfer, the dead man's transfer needs to be completed when the dead man is completely unconscious.

Therefore, it will be very difficult to complete the blood exchange of the dead soldiers, and it will be difficult to complete in a short time.

Fortunately, the dead soldiers are all guarded by the knight guards, so giving priority to the knight guards can ensure that the knight guards in each dead soldier station resist bravely. The strength of hundreds of knight guards cannot be underestimated. Maybe It can defend the enemy's attack and prevent the enemy from penetrating to the level of the dead soldiers.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army has been preparing for a major blood change for some time.

They need to determine the exchange method between stations based on the geographical location, size, and population of each station.

For example, how many groups should the Cavalry Guards or family members of Station A be divided into, and which group from Stations B, C, and D should be exchanged with each group?

In addition, the exchange must be gradual. All the Cavalry Guards stationed in the station cannot be on the road at once. This will cause a void in defense. Therefore, they have formulated a rule. Each exchange of blood can only exchange out 20% of the troops at most. To be supplemented After the troops are in place, the next batch can be replaced.

According to the requirements, Duke Mining's station will start to replace the first batch of people in three days. In the past few days, Song Qianshi seemed to be familiar with the situation and waited for the equipment to arrive. In fact, he was making a list. Determine the exchange transfusion plan and the list of each batch.

Now, the plan and list have been almost drawn up, and in three days, the first batch will be replaced!