Chapter: 5814

Although this monk was outside the plan, fortunately he was still under Ye Chen's control.

In addition to this monk, Ye Chen also discovered a warrior on the platform whose strength had reached the second level of the Dark Realm. This Dark Realm warrior was also the strongest besides that monk.

Thinking about it, this monk should be the commander of the Cavalry Guard here. As for the monk, Ye Chen was not sure of his identity for a while.

However, based on Ye Chen's previous experience analysis, Duan Liye, the special envoy of the Cyprus line, is only in the third level of the dark realm. His strength is naturally far inferior to that of this monk. Therefore, this monk's status in the Po Qing Society must be Bit Envoy is still several levels higher.

Since it was someone higher than the envoy, it was definitely not someone stationed at Duke Mining. Presumably, it was someone temporarily sent to Duke Mining by the Po Qing Society, or maybe even someone from the headquarters of the Right Army Governor's Mansion.

This made Ye Chen feel happy all of a sudden.

The four earls are, at best, the four highest-level knights. To the Po Qing Society, they are nothing more than flags and human bombs. They actually know very little about the secrets of the Po Qing Society.

But this time it's hard to tell about this monk. If this person is really from the Youjun Governor's Mansion, then she must know many core secrets of the Youjun Governor's Mansion.

It seems that this time I go to Duke Mining, I will get unexpected windfalls!

So Ye Chen immediately stopped meditating and hid among the goods, preparing to deal with the next opportunities and challenges.

Similar to the driving record seen on the train before, the train first stopped outside the fence gate of the Duke Mining railway track. A six-star warrior from Duke Mining immediately came up. After checking that there was only the driver in the locomotive, he put it down. Suddenly, he said in Chinese through the intercom: "Nothing unusual, open the door."

Immediately afterwards, the iron fence door opened inward, and the train restarted, slowly driving into the factory at an extremely slow speed. After all the carriages had entered the platform, the train gradually stopped.

However, the train driver did not stall the train, but got off the train and immediately unhooked the coupler.

The commander of the Qingqing meeting said to several subordinates around him: "Check the seal lock outside each vehicle according to the delivery note. If there is no problem, ask the driver to turn forward and drive the locomotive back."

The train driver is from the Moroccan National Railway. It's not that the Po Junhui can't infiltrate the Moroccan National Railway. It's just that all the people they are responsible for infiltrating are scholars. Infiltrating the Moroccan National Railway is really overqualified for them.

What’s more, the Moroccan National Railway’s train drivers are dispatched on a rotational basis. All shift plans are based on everyone’s availability and on-duty time the next day. We want to ensure that every train driver going to Duke Mining is If we are on our own, at least five or six people would have to be sent to the Moroccan National Railway.

This is even less cost-effective for Poqinghui.

Several Cavalry Guards immediately began to follow the pre-arranged division of labor, and each person checked the seals and locks of the five carriages. According to their practical experience over the years, as long as there are no abnormalities in the seals and locks, the amount of goods inside will not be affected. If there is any problem, the process is relatively simplified.

All 20 carriages were checked correctly, and the seals and locks had not been opened twice. The conductor signed his name on the delivery receipt, and then the driver took the receipt and returned to the cab on the other side of the locomotive. Drive the locomotive forward and enter the switch. After the switch changes lanes, slowly drive away along the lane in the center of the platform.

The commander did not dare to delay, so he immediately said to his subordinates who had been waiting for a long time: "Hurry up and unload the goods. Don't worry about the refrigerated carriages for now. Transport out all the security monitoring equipment and auxiliary wires, and then according to what we have decided before Check out the list and deliver the goods to the designated location!”

The crowd immediately responded loudly, and then rushed towards the fifteen ordinary carriages.

The seal lock made of steel wire may require pliers for ordinary people to cut, but for these knight guards who have at least three-star strength, they can pull it open with bare hands.

The seal lock of the carriage where Ye Chen was was also pulled open, and then someone from outside urged: "Quick, check the cargo number, and unload the ones that match it!"

At least half of the fifteen carriages received from Duke Mining are the mechanical equipment required for mining, and the other half are the various equipment and auxiliary materials needed to upgrade the security system.