Chapter: 169

But this time, I was already prepared. When I called Zhao Zichen, I had already made preparations for this kid to come to me.

I said: "Okay, I will give you your reward. This is our only cooperation."

Zhao Zichen was a little excited: "Okay, Brother Chao, as long as you have this sentence! What do we do next? As long as we can get rid of Jiang Ming, you can do whatever you want me to do. I'm ready, recently The fighting spirit of the brothers is very strong, the Qinglong Gang obviously died down, it was the time to chase the Qinglong Gang in one go."

"I will give you your remuneration. Zhang Chao won't fall back on you, but not now. If you can't trust me, I have no idea."

Zhao Zichen frowned, "Brother, you have to reveal something."

"If you can't disclose it in advance, it won't work if you disclose it in advance." I smiled mysteriously.

Zhao Zichen tried two or three more times. Seeing that I really didn't want to say it, he had to give up. I asked him if he had dinner, and if he did, he could have a light meal with us.

"I'm not here for casual food." Zhao Zichen said, "I have important information to tell you."

I actually don't really want to have deep cooperation with Zhao Zichen. This guy is really smart, but the downside is that he is too smart. It is true that getting along with such a person can do more with less, but you have to beware every day when he will design me.

However, I hesitated for a moment, and still couldn't refuse Jiang Ming's message. Sooner or later, this person will be sent to prison personally to avenge my parents!

"You said, is it related to Jiang Ming?" I asked, I'm afraid he would do something insignificant to shake me up.

Who knows Zhao Zichen shook his head and said, "It's related to you."

"Related to me?"

Zhao Zichen nodded, looked around, and after making sure that there were no people on the left and right, he whispered to my ear and quickly said a few words.

The more I listened, the more uncomfortable I felt. I clenched my fists and felt an indescribable sense of depression.

"What you said is true?" I confirmed again.

"It's true. There are our eyeliners in the Azure Dragon Gang. How their people can be mobilized, I can't hide it from me."

I believe what Zhao Zichen said, because he was very clear about the movements of the Qinglong Gang every time, and caught the Qinglong Gang by surprise.

"Brother Chao, believe it or not, tomorrow you can verify that what I said is true or false. Anyway, be careful yourself."

I was too entangled in my heart. Of course, I understand very well that Zhao Zichen came to tell me these things, not just to help me for no reason, but to sell me a favor.

If what Zhao Zichen said is true, then I will still have to seek help from the Red Lantern Festival tomorrow. Now that in Junran's situation, Han Kun has disappeared again, and Junran's people will not be so easy to send.

Xia Gehuai may be able to give me a few people, but the underworld in the city is not afraid of the police.

Zhao Zichen stood aside and waited, even though he didn't say anything, but I already understood what he meant.

I said: "Okay, our cooperation can be turned into twice. I, Zhang Chao, will definitely pay back the favor.

Zhao Zichen smiled: "Brother Chao, don't be so bad by me. I really want to help you this time. Selling your personal affection is just a casual thing."

"No need to say anything else. I know it in my heart. I hope I don't have to meet tomorrow."

I waved my hand, just turning my head and leaving.

Zhao Zichen shouted behind him: "Brother Chao, you can't be so unfeeling, and you will abandon them when you run out. What are you going to eat? I want to eat."

I shouted: "Shaxian snacks."

I'm in a bad mood, Qingqing can also see it.

When I got back to the car, I suddenly remembered, why did I climb on Qingqing just now to help her untie her belt? Obviously go around to the other side and open the door directly to unlock it.

It seems that the ancients said that sex dazzled wisdom, but sincerely I am not deceived.

Fortunately, Zhao Zichen did it all at once, otherwise I really don't know what I will do. I must miss Chu Xiaoxiao now. If she is by my side, I don't have to be like an undesirable male dog. When I see a woman, my heart beats faster.

I originally wanted Chu Xiaoxiao to come back to me soon, but when I thought of what Zhao Zichen said to me just now, I hope she would not come back to me so quickly, at least it is safe to stay at home.

That night, maybe I was in a bad mood, but since then I have been taciturn, Qingqing kept peeking at my face all the way. After I got there, she asked me what happened? I opened my mouth and still couldn't tell her about it.

When I got home, I fell asleep and stayed awake until the alarm clock rang the next day. It was the sound of the phone that woke me up.


"My dear, are you downstairs in my house? I'm alright."

I wonder who is this? It wasn't a scam call, so I took the phone away and looked at it. It turned out to be Lin Fang's phone number.

"Lin Fang?"

"We said we were going to be a couple for one day, did you forget?" Lin Fang reminded bitterly.

Of course I forgot, and I completely forgot about it.

I must have remembered Lin Fang's reminder. After all, I promised Lin Fang. It would be hard to regret it. So I told Lin Fang to wait for me and I would come over immediately.

When I got downstairs, I remembered that I didn't have a driver's license, and the car let Qingqing drive away, dumbfounded.

But I changed my mind and thought again, anyway, Lin Fang tore the driver's license by himself, so I can't blame it. And even though Lin Fang was promised to be a fake couple for a day, acting is just acting, and it doesn't have to be so realistic.

I called a car on my phone, and then I washed it quickly.

Soldiers will not be as capable as other men, and will be able to go out soon.

When I got downstairs, as soon as I got in the car, Lao Gan called in.

"Are you still coming to the company today?" Old Gan asked.

I thought to myself, I'm afraid it's empty today, so I can't tell Lao Gan.

Old Gan said: "Hey, you are not coming, I still want you to come to the company."

"What happened to the audit? Liu Rong came to make trouble last night?" I hurriedly asked.

"Nothing happened in the audit, it went smoothly, and Liu Rong didn't try to make trouble... It's just." Old Gan sighed, "Maybe I'm getting confused and start to be suspicious. I feel something is too wrong. How could it be so smooth."

I gave a wry smile: "Don't worry, Gan Bo, it doesn't go so smoothly."

"Why do I feel that there is something in your words?" Lao Gan asked, "I always feel something wrong. Liu Rong is not so friendly, we must be careful, he must be holding back his move."

I comforted Lao Gan a few words, and then hung up the phone with a wry smile. Of course I understood the meaning of Lao Gan's words.

Soon I arrived downstairs at Lin Fang's house, and Lin Fang asked me to go upstairs to pick her up.

After she has a job, she no longer lives in the rented house, but the lease is not yet expired, so the things are still in it.

I don't want to go to her house because she lives with her parents and brother Lin Kang. I don't want to see any of her family members.

But Lin Fangfei asked me to go upstairs, so I had to go upstairs to pick her up, and if I didn't agree, she would act like a baby at me.

I couldn't think of it, I used to dream of hearing Lin Fang act like a baby to me, but now I only find it annoying.

As I walked up, I saw large characters painted out by red paint in the corridor, which were words such as paying debts and killing the whole family.

Suddenly, the door of a family on the third floor opened. When I often came to Lin Fang's house, I met the residents on this floor a few times, which was a kind of acquaintance.

"Oh, it's you Zhang Chao, it's been a long time." The uncle's anger became a little kinder when he saw that it was me.

"Hello Uncle Jane."

"Hey, are you looking for Lin Fang? Can you help me persuade her to either let her or move out from here. Look at this corridor, it's full of words like this, who can stand it? We have to live too. My son is so young and he is scared every day. It's terrifying, be considerate and considerate of us! Please persuade her to move away?! We really can't stand it anymore! A little girl every day You look like a dog, why don't you pay the debt? It's shameless."