Chapter: 254

I took a deep breath and opened the drawer. Sure enough, I lay quietly in it without thinking about it.

Lao Mo's room is antique. In the middle of the room, there is a huge picture frame nearly two meters high and two meters wide, just right to put Wuxiang Mountain in.

I placed the painting, sat on the opposite chair, and looked at the painting quietly.

I don't understand oil painting and I have no knowledge of art. I really can't tell whether this painting is good or bad.

But at a glance, I saw a graceful, gentle and graceful woman in the cherry blossom forest of Wuxiang Mountain, looking at the scenery with a child.

This woman looks very much like my mother, this little boy is not someone else, it is me.

My nose was sore. I remembered that when I was very young, my parents took me on a business trip for a while. At that time, there was a mountain near where we lived. My mother would take me out for a stroll in the evening. Miss the mountain.

The carefree person in this painting never imagined that one day my parents would leave me in a car accident, and I became an orphan, and Wuxiang Mountain became a tombstone for me to pay homage to them.

He Zhitian called for injustice, and Liu Rushi also called for injustice. I really don't know who is more wronged than me.

For the sake of that illusory leader, I became an orphan. I was abused from 7 years old to 17 years old, and for a whole decade, I suffered without delusion.

"Lao Mo, you must have experienced it yourself forty years ago."

"It looks like someone has already told you all that. The dust returns to the dust, the dirt returns to the earth, the past is the past."

"What happened forty years ago has nothing to do with me. I just want to avenge my parents. I won't go in circles with you anymore. I already know the truth of my parents' car accident very clearly. There are people in the world who don't want the family appointed by Ge Lao. As the leader of the League, Wuxiangshan was stored in a safe in New York by He Zhitian, and he himself hid far away overseas. Those wolf-hearted things could only force my mother to fake Ge Lao’s suicide note. I made a car accident to threaten my mother. But the car accident got out of control... The hatred of killing father and mother is not shared, I have no idea. I don’t want this painting. You told me that there was Jiang Ming who planned the accident. Whoever, I will give you this painting as a deal we made."

Lao Mo remained silent, lost in thought.

It took a long time before he said: "Young man, the old man reminded you that what you hear with your ears may not be true, but what you see with your eyes may be false. When is the time to repay the injustice, it is better to just forget it."

"How could I forget?! Someone killed your parents, can you forget it?!"

Lao Mo sat there calmly, as if looking at me through sunglasses.

I feel uncomfortable like a big rock in my heart. Why, all the suffering I have suffered will be forgotten, and all the mistakes committed by the murderer can be overwhelmed lightly? ! Is there fairness in this world?

"Mober, I believe you must know my parents. You are a senior in the rivers and lakes. You touched your conscience and said whether my parents were wronged? Even if I don't take revenge, should I give them justice?" I said here, my throat choked. Swallowed, "They destroyed not only my home, but also my aunt's house. My aunt used to be as good as my dad's siblings before, but because of that car accident, my uncle died and my aunt tore up all the photos of my dad. I even scolded my mother for being a beast when I was sleeping. Do you know what those people have ruined for their own personal gain?!"

Lao Mo Chang sighed: "Well, I can tell you. But the premise is that you answer one of my questions first. As long as you can answer, I don't want this Wuxiangshan, and I can tell you everything I know."

Old Mor paused, stood up and walked towards Wuxiang Mountain. The huge picture frame stood abruptly in the middle of the room, looking like a huge screen.

Lao Mo walked around Wuxiang Mountain several times, then suddenly stopped in front of the canvas and asked me: "Look, where is Ge Lao's suicide note?"

I wondered what he meant, so I looked at the painting inch by inch.

After reading it, I was stupid: "There is really no such thing."

This is a very ordinary painting, and there is no suicide note at all.

Lao Mo smiled and said, "People in the rivers and lakes are greedy, and they are easy to be fooled. Your mother is notoriously scheming, but how can anyone write her legacy on the canvas."

"Why is there no such thing."

I looked up at the canvas, which was higher than me, and the cherry blossom tree and my mother on the painting were looking down at me.

But no matter whether it is before or after this canvas, there is nothing on it that can be called a suicide note.

"Why didn't anyone else find out?"

I can't believe that with so many heroes on the rivers and lakes, with so many eyes, no one finds that this painting has the suicide note they want.

How does He Zhitian explain? If others have not seen the painting, it is good to say that He Zhitian could not have seen the painting, but he also said that the suicide note is in this painting.

I originally thought that the suicide note was on the back of the painting, but the back was completely white and there was nothing.

I am dumbfounded, which one is this?

Old Mo said: "I didn't find it, or I didn't want to find it?"

"You mean everyone is lying? Maintaining such a ridiculous lie?!"

Old Mo said: "No one who finds it can't say it, and those who find it won't say it. This is the truth of the rivers and lakes."

I was completely overwhelmed by this situation, and after tossing for a long time, there was nothing on this canvas.

He Zhitian is absolutely aware. He really cannot tell the truth that there is no suicide note on the painting. Once there is no suicide note on the painting, no one will save his life. This painting is his amulet, he You can only choose to lie from the very beginning.

I smiled bitterly: "So this painting is the emperor's new clothes? My parents let such a scam be killed?"

"You are too pessimistic, it is your mother's play on the whole rivers and lakes, and your mother will be so happy that she doesn't know what she knows."

Old Mo actually smiled triumphantly.

Lao Mo touched the painting and said, "How do you think this painting is? I think this is simply a masterpiece. Both your mother and I think this is a masterpiece and is of great value."

I really don't know what to say. When I left Chaihuo Wonton Shop, I felt extremely depressed.

I asked Lao Mo to store the painting for me. It is safest to keep it with him temporarily.

This painting cannot be ruined, and it has to show up from time to time to let people in the rivers and lakes know its existence. This spooky martial artist dare not openly oppose Ge Lao's suicide note.

Although this suicide note does not exist at all.

I can't come to Lao Mo again in the future, and I won't let people from the rivers and lakes know that I know Lao Mo.

After much deliberation, I asked Qingqing to pick me up at the nearby Wanda Plaza. My driver's license was not reissued, and the taxi was too ostentatious.

Because of the cruise ship, I am now a celebrity in Tongshi, and the drivers who just took the taxi recognize me.

I'm too busy these days. I can't do a lot of things in time, and it's no longer convenient to show up everywhere. I may need an assistant.

Qingqing received me in the parking lot and began to tease me: "Oh my manager Zhang, you are now a hero of the people and a glorious citizen. You will sign me in a moment."

"Don't worry, it's almost the same for my dismissal report. I drove to Junran."

"Who recruited you with such a big anger?"

Qingqing stuck out his tongue and glanced at me in the rearview mirror, not daring to say anything, and started the car to the Junran Group on the beach.

I can't manage the affairs of the arena, and the most urgent task now is the smuggling of guns.

Before Cai Xiaobing brings people back to do everything, I have to do the preliminary work of dismissing Xu Deputy Bureau, and I must not startle and let Shi Sheng and others notice something.