Chapter: 267

I refused Lao Gan's intention to help me settle my aunt's kindness, because I don't want to contact my aunt directly anymore.

Even if Old Gan appeared on my behalf, he still represented Junran and represented me. To put it bluntly, I don't want to have any contact with my aunt. I have a headache thinking of her.

"What are you going to do? Why does your aunt know so many officials? Isn't she a very ordinary housewife?"

I told Chu Xiaoxiao about my childhood, and she also knew my aunt's character.

Before my uncle's accident, my aunt and my aunt were idle and didn't make much money, and they always depended on my family to help.

She is indeed an ordinary housewife. How can she suddenly change her body and come into contact with so many officials?

Her daughter Su Xiaoqiang has such a virtue that she can make Chen Ruhai want to marry back and become a daughter-in-law. You must know that Chen Ruhai is very snobbery. If my aunt has no power and power, how could her daughter be attracted by Chen Ruhai?

"I don't know. After I left home at the age of 17, I never contacted them again. But after my parents passed away, I left a lot of money. At that time, I was too young to keep it for her as a guardian. You too. I know what kind of life I lived when I was a child. I didn’t touch the money at all, and she took it away. She also took a villa left by my parents. My dad is so smart, she shouldn’t Stupid, I got the money and got in touch with a lot of dignitaries."

"Your aunt and them don't know each other so simply. It seems that Chen Ruhai is going to buy her a bit of face. Even if you don't want other people to help, it's okay to ask someone to inquire about it."

"That's good, but I have to find someone who doesn't seem to have anything to do with me." I smiled and said, "I thought, no one is more suitable than Zhao Zichen."

Zhao Zichen can eat well in both black and white. His father Zhao Gongming is the director of Tongshi Hospital. He knows many people with identities, and it is easy to inquire about such a thing.

"By the way, we happen to be free this afternoon. Take me to see your mother. Just in time you will take me to buy some gifts for your mother. I don't know what she likes."

Since Chu Xiaoxiao and I revealed some of her family affairs, I especially wanted to meet my future mother-in-law.

I can't let Chu Huai'en have any way to separate me and Chu Xiaoxiao.

But Chu Xiaoxiao looked away and said, "We have to go back to the hospital to see Qingqing."

"Just leave it to Zhao Zichen at the hospital. He will definitely do his best. Your mother saw that we have such a good relationship and knew that I would take care of you. Maybe the mood will improve and the body will get better."

"No, no, I'm not ready today. Next week, I will definitely take you. As long as you don't get scared away."

Chu Xiaoxiao was obviously evading, but I don't understand what she was afraid of.

"How can I be scared away?" I smiled, but I think she really doesn't want to let me see her mother now, and I don't want to force her, so I nodded and agreed with her to go again next week.

At the hospital, I entrusted the investigation of my aunt to Zhao Zichen. When Zhao Zichen heard me say my aunt's name, he looked at me with an expression of "you don't know what is going on".

"Do you know the Qi Bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau?"

I shook my head: "I don't know much, what does this have to do with my aunt."

Zhao Zichen said: "Although your aunt Zhang Mei is almost fifty years old, she looks pretty good. This is a well-known affair, so I don't need to make it clear what the relationship is."

It suddenly dawned on me that Zhao Zichen meant that my aunt had a leg with Qi Ju.

"It's not possible. You don't know. My aunt and my uncle have a very good relationship. After my uncle left, she hasn't looked for anyone else."

"Everyone knows about this. There is a big wife in Qi Ju's house, but your aunt is the one outside. Zhang Mei opened a restaurant on the black street, and both the Blue Dragon Gang and the Red Lantern Society knew not to look for this one. The troubles of the restaurant, this is especially taken care of by the bureau. You don’t know."

I didn't know what to say for a while, and it felt very magical. I suddenly saw another side of my aunt's life. It turned out to be completely different from the affectionate performance she performed herself.

I'm not saying that she should be a widow, but she abuses me every day, saying that my parents killed the person she loves the most. Isn't that too ridiculous?

I smiled helplessly: "I see."

Zhao Zichen exhorted: "The Qi game is especially short-term. Your aunt has been with him for so many years. There must be some feelings between the two people. It is not entirely a ** transaction. You don't mess around, the Qi game is a tough one."

I smiled and said, "I have another way."

"I'm not joking with you. This guy is a soft and hard not to eat, he is usually fair, that is, when he protects shortcomings, he especially protects shortcomings. You can only guess that Xu Xiang can only be a deputy director under him. This guy has some means. Don't use force to threaten him, or use Jun Ran to frighten him, he doesn't eat this kind of thing..."

"It sounds like I only have these two sets."

"Then what can you do?" Zhao Zichen asked strangely.

I said: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."

At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Zichen told me a good message that Qingqing and Ma Dazhuang have both escaped their lives and have now been transferred to the intensive care unit.

I was relieved now, please, Zhao Zichen, must take care of these two people for me, and then left the hospital.

Now Lu Tong has temporarily suspended work, and Chu Xiaoxiao does not have to go back to work, and can stay with me every day.

My driver's license is still not reissued, so Chu Xiaoxiao can only drive first. Chu Xiaoxiao asked me where I am going next?

"Are you going to find acquaintances in the government? I have a few old friends who I know, who may be able to help." Chu Xiaoxiao said.

I nodded and smiled: "This acquaintance I'm looking for may also be your acquaintance."

"Who are you talking about?" Chu Xiaoxiao asked inexplicably.

"Your little fan Li Ge's father, Li Liang."

"He? How could he help you?" Chu Xiaoxiao said, "Bo Li has always been ignorant of this kind of thing. He never sells favors to others. You know that after graduation, Li Ge only worked in a securities company. Now, Uncle Li will never use his rights to open the back door for others."

"Isn't this opening the back door? If others embarrass me, can't I ask him for justice?"

Chu Xiaoxiao said helplessly: "You don't know him too much, so this won't work. He won't help you. He won't even help his own son. How can he help us?"

I stretched my waist and said, "That's right, I'll bet something with you, and he will definitely help me."

Chu Xiaoxiao smiled: "Zhang Chao, then you will definitely lose. I hope he will help you, but you don't know him."

I said: "It's enough not just what I just said. He will do this, which just means that this person's face is crazy, and he can do nothing for the sake of face. Then he will definitely help me. If you are What should I do if I lose?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned, wondering where I was confident.

After a while, she smiled and hooked the corners of her mouth, licking her tongue and said: "I lost, do whatever you want with me."

Depend on! I quickly turned my head and looked at her for a while and my nosebleeds were going to drop.

The relationship between the Chu family and the Li family has always been good, and the Li Liang family and the Chu Xiaoxiao family are in the same community.

Chu Xiaoxiao stopped the car and said, "Uncle Li's house lives here, let's go in and wait for him, he may not come back yet, are you really sure?"

"Sure enough, I'm already thinking about what I will do with you tonight."

The villas here look almost the same. I found the doorbell and rang it. After a while, the iron door opened, and the person who opened the door looked astonished as I was.

"Li Ge."

"Zhang Chao, do you dare to come?!"