Chapter: 273

I gritted my teeth and said: "Xiaoxiao will not break up with me. Even if she comes over and tells me in person, I know she is not sincere. Chu Huaien, you better protect her for me before I come back to pick her up. , Don't let her suffer any harm."

When the iron gate was closed, I finally couldn't help but tears down. I stood alone on the side of the road and held my fist for a long time before I continued to cry like an egg.

Regardless of what Chu Huaien's purpose is, there is one thing he said is right. My side is too dangerous now. Chu Xiaoxiao's life is in danger if I stay by my side, so I have to deal with Chen Yuzhou and Jianghu. Those who hate me, and then take my beloved woman back, let alone Chu Huaien, even the king of heaven can't stop me!

I don't have a driver's license. At this critical moment, I definitely can't be caught by the traffic police, but Qingqing is injured again, so after thinking about it, I can only find Zhao Zichen.

Zhao Zichen just got off the night shift, so he drove over to pick me up.

I got in his Toyota and asked him as soon as I got in the co-pilot, "What's the Qinglong Gang doing recently?"

Zhao Zichen turned the steering wheel to reverse, and said, "It's strange, there is no such thing."

"It seems that Jiang Ming doesn't sell Chen Yuzhou's face." I said, "After Chen Ruhai died, Chen Yuzhou ordered the Qinglong gang not to be moved, so Chen Yuzhou had to ask for help from overseas killer organizations. It happened to be used by someone who borrowed you. "

"What are you doing? Do you fight Chen Yuzhou or Jiang Ming?"

I shook my head: "Jiang Ming’s master is like a cloud. Bald must have told you that Jiang Ming’s second uncle, Jiang Yunqing, is so powerful that we can’t add up to a little finger. But Chen Yuzhou, I’ll hit him again. A meal is already meaningless."

Zhao Zichen held the steering wheel and asked me, "Then what are you going to do?"

I said, "I didn’t have such a deep hatred with Chen Yuzhou. I wanted to destroy him just to protect himself. I didn’t need to worry about it. But now it’s different. I will not only destroy Chen Yuzhou, but also cut the roots. Chen Yuzhou’s. Behind is the entire Yin family. Since Bald is yours, I think you must know about the Yin family."

Zhao Zichen smiled and nodded.

"I'm not afraid of Chen Yuzhou, but I have to figure out how deep the roots are behind Chen Yuzhou, and I will dig it out in one go. You prepare for me, lend me a few people, you are so smart, you don't need me to continue to prompt what to do. "

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Zichen's eyes, and he instantly understood, and took a cold breath: "I understand. If you want to say that there are many tricks, it is still terrible for you special soldiers."

It is not only to eliminate the threats from Chen Yuzhou and the Yin family, but also to figure out what Han Kun and Chu Huai'en are doing behind their backs. Chu Huai'en threatened my woman, and I also want him to taste the taste of being threatened.

I went home and rested all night, and it was Lu Tong's phone that woke me up early the next morning.

"Shao Zhang, the fire department and industry and commerce informed us early this morning that the company can resume business!" Lu Tong was very excited.

"That's good, Mr. Lu, you have been bothering a lot these days. By the way, I won't be coming to the company anymore. You can find a lawyer for me and transfer all my shares to Chu Xiaoxiao."

"What?!" Lu Tong was shocked.

Of course I can't tell him that if I still have a relationship with Lu Tong, Chu Huai'en would not allow Chu Xiaoxiao to go to work. Chu Xiaoxiao loves this job very much, and I really don't want to see her sad.

"Also, remove my name from the company's articles of incorporation. I will not withdraw the shares. I will just transfer it to Xiaoxiao."

Lu Tong was anxious: "You, what the hell is going on with you? Let's meet and talk."

"Don't meet first. For your safety, you don't want to see me for the time being. You are the founder of the company and you have the right to kick me out of the team. You make a statement to the outside saying that I have been kicked out Now. Don't worry, I won't let Junran embarrass you."

"Zhang Chao, you must be worried about us because of Su Qingqing's affairs. Lu Tong, I am really afraid of things, but, but..."

"Mr. Lu, do as I said."

After finishing talking, I hung up the phone and sighed. Next, I have to find Li Ge and figure out what Chu Huaien is doing.

I asked Xia Gehuai to help me check Li Ge's whereabouts.

"Mayor Li Liang's son, what exactly are you looking for?"

I said, "Check if he will go to Ye Lai Xiang tonight."

"Fuck, why would he go to Ye Laixiang?" Xia Gehuai said, "But even if he goes, I have no way to check for you. This kind of club is secretly visited by everyone, and no one can call ahead to book a lady. . But if he goes, I will ask the informant to tell me immediately and I will let you know."

After Xia Gehuai went out, I didn't go out all day, and I was sleeping all the time, waiting for Xia Gehuai's message.

I must have enough energy now, because I may not be able to sleep in the next few days.

I thought I would have to wait for several days to wait for Li Ge to go to Ye Laixiang Club. I didn't expect Li Ge to call me in the afternoon.

"You are ready to prepare, Li Ge will go 80% of the night."

"Why?" I asked.

"This grandson goes very frequently, with the frequency of going to work. The informant said that the grandson might have an addiction to this matter. I didn't go there yesterday, and I will definitely go today."

I slept intermittently for 24 hours. When I woke up at 7 o'clock in the evening, it was dark outside. When the lights were on, I washed my face with cold water and became very awake.

The security of Ye Laixiang Clubhouse has become much stricter than last time. After Qiaoqiao escaped, the security of Ye Laixiang Club became more and more, standing at the door staring suspiciously at everyone.

I went a few times on the seventh floor and found that it was impossible to go up to the eighth floor from the inside.

When I came down from the seventh floor for the last time, I was stopped by the security guard and asked me what I was doing.

I had to say that I was lost. I was looking for the big bathhouse, but couldn't find anywhere. The security guard stared at me suspiciously and told me that the bathhouse was on the third floor.

When I went downstairs, I heard him murmur with another person: "Does this guy want to go up to the eighth floor."

"The ghost knows it. It's sneaky. But don't worry about it. There is an iron bucket in the building anyway, even a fly can't fly up."

"We still have to be careful. The big boss is back. Last time the bitch Sun Qiaoqiao ran away. The big boss was in a bad mood. Sister Fang was sold to the black street. Let's not make a mistake."

"Don't worry, from the first floor to the seventh floor, I can't wait for a security guard on every section of the stairs. This guy really has wings and might fly in, otherwise it's a dream."

I ran to an apartment building next to Ye Lai Xiang, this apartment building is very close to Ye Lai Xiang, but it is not high, only nine floors.

I climbed to the roof and stood on the edge of the roof. There was a nine-story building under my feet. Only if I stumbled, I would fall to pieces.

Although the two buildings are close to each other, they are not close. They are more than five meters apart, and it is difficult to jump over because of the blinding lights at night.

I took a deep breath, took a few steps back, and then jumped out with a run-up, firmly grasped the window edge of the eighth floor of Ye Lai Xiang Building, and jumped in.

Sure enough, it was almost as I thought, as soon as the seventh floor was full of security, there were no people on the eighth floor.

The window I just jumped into was the men’s toilet. There was only one cleaning house. When I heard my voice, I looked back and was about to shout loudly. I rushed over and strangled his neck for a while, but he was silent. Yes, I didn't kill him, he just passed out.