Chapter: 356

Although there are troops as my backing, to understand the affairs of the rivers and lakes, I must be supported by Junran.

I said: "Yes, toss."

I don't want to talk to them too much about these things, because I don't want to drag these brothers into the disputes of the rivers and lakes.

The rivers and lakes are big muddy waters. There is a saying that Han Kun is right. The farther you are from the rivers and lakes, the safer you are.

"Mengmeng, why look for it?"

"There are only three people in Tongcheng who call this name, one is female, the other is just 20 days old, and the other is the one we saw that day." Mengmeng said.

Lao Yu said: "Could Lin Kang lie to us? Why is this just a teacher? It looks so honest."

Cai Xiaobing said excitedly: "An honest person may not necessarily be honest, I think it is him!"

"Take out all the information." I said, "According to the analysis of criminal identity, the post of teacher is unlikely to commit a crime, but this is not absolute. Since Lin Kang said that, we will investigate. Don't forget us Only one week."

Mengmeng had been prepared a long time ago, and retrieved all the data files of Why Need from the Ministry of Public Security.

We stood behind Mengmeng and looked at the various file folders on the computer screen, and almost brought out all the information from the kindergarten.

Mengmeng used a projector to project it on the white wall.

Cai Xiaobing propped his chin and said, "Mengmeng, why do you tune everything out, the archive records of the Ministry of Public Security are so trivial?"

Mengmeng rolled his eyes and said: "The old man gave me the right to retrieve information with the highest authority. In principle, I can retrieve all personal information except the highest-level national leaders."

The fox knocked the melon seeds and said: "Look at you, you can't even tune out the old man's files. Our Snow Leopard files are all high-secure."

In fact, even my files are highly secretive, even if I retired.

However, hiding behind the reflective lenses, a smug smile appeared. He tapped a few fingers on the keyboard, and the old man's photo appeared immediately.

We all took a deep breath, he could actually retrieve the old man's files!

Mengmeng said: "Now you know what the highest-level file access right is. Brother can call out all the things you had to urinate in the kindergarten several times when you were young."

Everyone looked at each other, and my heart moved. If this is the case, can he access my parents' files?

That case file is at a confidential level in the public security system, and Xia Gehuai's current authority is not enough to retrieve it. Mengmeng should be able to.

Zhao Zichen showed me the photocopy of the case file, but I don't know whether that photocopy is real or fake.

I knocked on the table: "Okay, don't you want to die? If the old man knows that his file was called out by you, be careful that he gets you up the mountain to guard the frontier."

Mengmeng closed the file in a panic, and said hurriedly: "Yes, the captain keeps it secret."

"Put the files on why bother." I said to my lips, thinking about asking Mengmeng to help me check the files of my parents.

Not only this, but also my parents' files, it would be best if they could be retrieved.

Why Bi's file is nothing special. He is 35 years old this year. After graduating from a prestigious normal university, he entered Tongshi Elementary School as a teacher.

"What's special about this," said the fox.

Cai Xiaobing also agreed, and several of them looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

I stared at the projected image and touched my chin: "Can't you see such an obvious abnormality?"

"Captain, don't deceive us, just tell us if you see something wrong. He doesn't have a criminal history, and he doesn't have a criminal record. Of course, he can't be a teacher. He has been a three-good student since elementary school. The scholarship is the most popular teacher among the children in the school. The principal respects him, and the students like him very much. The reputation of the people around him is very good. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that he is too perfect." I said.

Cai Xiaobing and the fox were stunned. The fox spoke more directly, knocking the seeds and saying, "Captain, aren't you picking bones in the egg?"

"You guys! He is so perfect, how come he is still single at the age of 35, not a second marriage, but single. You see, he has never talked about any girlfriends, not even boyfriends."

The fox said: "Captain, this is wrong with you. Now that he is pursuing personal freedom, maybe he just gave up his marriage and pursued his career."

"Ho ho, what kind of career does an elementary school teacher in a small city pursue? No matter how busy he can go. And you see, his family conditions are very average, he is just an elementary school teacher himself, but he has a car worth 500,000 Che. Mengmeng, immediately help me check the flow of his funds. All the accounts, stocks, and even Bitcoin under his name have to be checked for me."

I'm pretty sure, why there is a problem with this. A person can hide his identity well, but he cannot hide his financial situation.

When he is rich to a certain level, he will inevitably have a misunderstanding about his own consumption level and buy things that are particularly expensive for his income.

"Okay!" Mengmeng immediately began to investigate, but these accounts will take some time, and it will take some time for economic investigation and inter-departmental cooperation with the bank.

I put on my jacket, inserted the military stab into my boots, and said to Cai Xiaobing and the fox: "Let’s go, let’s not be idle, we will meet that teacher why."

"What reason do we use to go?" said the fox. "It's too obvious to go like this."

I said: "It's time for your captain to perform again. Why didn't you invite me to their school to give a report last time? Let's go with this hero."

Tongshi Primary School is not far from the Junran Building, and they are all near the sea.

This elementary school is the best elementary school in the whole city. Although it is a public elementary school, its facilities are not inferior to that of a private elementary school.

The three of us are soldiers and we don’t pay much attention to image. Although I have suffered from clothes losses countless times, I still can’t remember to change to more expensive clothes. Cai Xiaobing and Fox don’t pay much attention to this aspect. .

As soon as the three of us walked to the gate of the school, we were stopped by the doorman.

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone." I said, so I took out my ID card.

The uncle doorman glanced at him and said, "What do you three do? Why do you look like a blind person."

Cai Xiaobing was anxious all of a sudden, and said, "Master, how do you talk? Where are the three of us like blind people?"

I hurriedly stopped Cai Xiaobing: "Don't, people just ask me, this is the school, you should ask more."

The doorman returned me his ID card and squinted at me: "This guy speaks on the road. There are so many perverts in society now, and news of elementary school is kept in the news all day long. Who protects the safety of these children? It depends on us. What the hell do you do?"

Cai Xiaobing said: "Served as a soldier."

The fox chuckled and said, "The one who shot."

The two men immediately paid a standard military salute to the door guard.

The attitude of the doorman has improved a lot: "It's good to be a soldier! Defending the motherland, I have no eyes to know the hero. By the way, how about you?"

I scratched my head, now I really don't know what I should say, after all, I have retired.

"I am a driver..."

When I was in Lutong, I applied for the driver position.

The doorman said: "Oh, look at your two friends so aspiring, why are you just a driver? No way, boy, men must be ambitious and learn more from your friends."