Chapter: 74

Zhao Gongming lied to me on this point, and Han Kun was obviously unwilling to continue to investigate the cause of my father's death.

But Uncle Han was so good to our family, and even the Junran Group, which he supported with one hand, returned it to me with both hands when I became an adult. Regardless of whether it is emotional or character, I believe him.

"Uncle Zhao, in your opinion, why doesn't Uncle Han let you investigate."

Zhao Gongming shook his head dejectedly: "I'm not sure. Old Han is not afraid of things. He was also most enthusiastic about investigating your dad's car accident. But one day, he suddenly became like a different person and never mentioned anything about the investigation. It took a long time before Jiang Ming was sent to another place by the Jiang family. Without Han Kun's help, I have no way to investigate."

"You are the dean of Tongshi Hospital, so there is no way to investigate?"

Zhao Gongming smiled bitterly: "Don't look at my current situation. Ten years ago, I was isolated and helpless in the hospital. There are people from the Chen family everywhere in this hospital. Chen Ruhai's wife is also named Chen, and his family is everywhere. I was studying medicine. I had one iron bucket. I was just a small resident at the time, and it was difficult to get to the blue sky if I wanted to be promoted to the head of the department. I am different from Han Kun. Han Kun has his ability, his brain is bright, and he knows many people. It was your father himself. I later became the dean with Han Kun's help. Now I am going to retire, and the people of the Chen family have made up their minds again. Hey, no one can keep Zichen this time. "

I can't help but say, "Old Zhao, you really don't know who Zhao Zichen is?"

"What's his status? He's an honest little doctor."

Zhao Gongming's reaction really seemed unknowing, but their father and son were better than the other.

"I\reck, old Zhao, you dare to say. If he is an honest little doctor, then I am...I am a female."

Zhao Gongming said helplessly: "Well, Zichen also has a little relationship with the underworld. He was taken astray!"

Absolutely, I was so angry that I wanted to laugh.

Zhao Gongming added: "You must never tell Han Kun about the things I told you. And you should stop investigating Jiang Ming. You are wasting your efforts for things that Han Kun will not let you investigate."

I nodded discouragedly. With Han Kun's method, he didn't want me to check, Jiang Ming's name could disappear from my world immediately as if it hadn't existed before.

I believe Han Kun has this ability. What I can't figure out is why? ! That's my dad, his good brother, this hatred, I can't just leave it alone!

Han Kun, what does he want to do?

Zhao Gongming said that my wounds were so good that I was determined not to move, and people pushed me back to the hospital bed. Lin Fang was too scared to hear about what happened today, and lying on my body, I stroked her hair and comforted her for a long time before she calmed down.

Lin Fang believed that Chen Yuzhou did the matter today, and she insisted on persuading me not to trouble Chen Yuzhou anymore. No matter how I assured her that this matter had nothing to do with Chen Yuzhou, she didn't believe it. At the end of the day, she was anxious and asked instead. Do I want her to be a widow.

I stuttered, has Lin Fang considered marrying me? This is something I can't even think of. Now that she is willing to be with me, I am so happy that I am going crazy, marry her as my wife? Is this true?

After Lin Fang stayed with me for a while, she had to go upstairs to take care of her dad. Chu Xiaoxiao always hid Lin Fang, so she didn't come over when Lin Fang was in my ward. After Lin Fang left, Zhao Zichen came to me.

"Brother, you saved my life again. I really can't repay your favor."

He said so, but his face smiled very indifferently. I saw him like this. Without saying anything, he smashed a pillow into his face.

"You count as a no-brainer, don't thank me, I can't stand it."

"Don't say that, I really can't figure out one thing, Huang Mao let the police arrest him."

"What? Didn't you mean that the police didn't go out?"

"A little policeman named Xia Gehuai has just been promoted to deputy detachment captain. I asked, he is your high school classmate, besides that, he has no position and background. Such people usually work in the police station until they retire. Suddenly he joined the criminal police team. The shit luck is really good."

I have forgotten Xia Gehuai, this guy is lucky too!

"I asked my friend to go to the police and asked him to bring a few trusted people. But he came too late and I forgot about it."

"The police are always the last to come out, but it's not too late. The people with Huang Mao were arrested, and our people ran away in time. Now that there are so many media, the police station dare not release people at will, so they have to be locked up first. For the time being, no one dared to move Xia Gehuai. Looking at this posture, he might be promoted."

"The Azure Dragon Gang is so angry this time, ho, what are you going to do next?"

"The Azure Dragon Gang is the cancer of the city. Of course I have to win and pursue! We have a common enemy, and the enemy's enemy is a friend. You can join hands with me."

I really admire Zhao Zichen's sleek rhetoric, and the fight among the underworld can also make him feel full of justice. This mouth is really a loss for not being a cadre.

I shook my head: "Don't watch the Azure Dragon Gang lose your move now, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. If I guess wrong, if the Red Lantern Association confronts the Azure Dragon Gang head-on, it's not an opponent."

Zhao Zichen was noncommittal, picked up an apple on my bedside table and tossed it.

I continued: "The Blue Dragon Gang is on the bright side, and the Red Lantern Society is behind the scenes. Your strength is not as good as them. You can't stand the scene. I have seen the detention center. It means that there are people in their official ranks. The underworld and the Qinglong gang are a bit stronger. You just won two rounds of them a little bit, don't think you can swallow the elephant.

The Red Lantern Society had overshadowed the Blue Dragon Gang several times, and the members of the Blue Dragon Gang were obviously already anxious. If Zhao Zichen chased him hard at this time, he would definitely push the Azure Dragon Gang to the wall. I am not interested in the underworld rush, but seeing that he is the only son of Zhao Gongming, remind him this sentence, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, don't treat the Qinglong Gang as rabbits.

"I thought you were courageous, but after all, it was because of courage."

"Hey, I was born and died on the battlefield. If you say I am timid, I also admit that I will not use my head to block the muzzle, because I know that my head is not bulletproof. Similarly, I am also very clear that I am not the Qinglong Gang. Opponent. Zhao Zichen, I will keep your identity secret for you. If you join hands, it will be avoided."

I am a dignified retired soldier who can't join forces with the underworld if he says a thousand words and ten thousand. Don't say that I didn't agree to this matter. If the old man knew about it, he would break my leg directly.

"Well, I still want to share the whole market with you, I don't think you have this ambition."

Seeing that it didn't make sense to me, Zhao Zichen felt boring. After chatting with me for a few more words, he stood up and said goodbye.

"Right. In fact, what you said is very reasonable, I will listen to those words. However, without the help of my Red Lantern Festival, on your own, are you Jiang Ming's opponent?"

Zhao Zichen stuffed the apple in my hand and patted my shoulder.