Chapter: 1


it hurts!

Head hurts!

The grotesque dream full of whispers quickly fell apart, and Zhou Mingrui, who was sleeping soundly, felt a throbbing pain in his head, as if he had been savagely swung with a stick, no, it was more like being pierced into his temple by a sharp object and accompanied by agitation!

Hiss... In a daze, Zhou Mingrui wanted to turn over, cover his head, and sit up, but he couldn't move his hands and feet at all, and his body seemed to be out of control.

It seems that I haven't really woken up yet, I'm still in a dream...Maybe there will be a situation where I think I'm awake, but I'm actually still asleep...Zhou Mingrui, who is no stranger to similar encounters, tried his best to concentrate his will to completely Break free from the shackles of darkness and hallucinations.

However, when he was half asleep and half awake, his will always drifted like smoke, uncontrollable, and hard to restrain. No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't help his thinking diverging and distracting thoughts emerging.

It's all right, in the middle of the night, why do you suddenly have a headache?

And it hurts so much!

Could it be a cerebral hemorrhage or something?

Damn, I won't die young like this, right?

Wake up quickly! Wake up quickly!

Huh, it doesn't seem to hurt as much as before? But my brain is still like a blunt knife slowly cutting...

It seems that I can't continue to sleep, how can I go to work tomorrow?

What else do you want to go to work? There is a real headache, of course it is a leave of absence! Don't be afraid of the manager Rory!

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem too bad, hehe, it's half a day's leisure to steal a floating life!

The throbbing pain after another made Zhou Mingrui accumulate illusory strength bit by bit. Finally, he straightened his back and opened his eyes in one go, and completely got rid of the half-asleep and half-awake state.

His vision was blurred at first, and then it was covered with a faint crimson. As far as his eyes could see, Zhou Mingrui saw a log-colored desk in front of him, with a note book spread out in the center. There is a sentence written in the text, the ink is dark and eye-catching.

On the left side of the notebook, there is a neat stack of books, about seven or eight, on the edge of the table. The wall on the right side of them is inlaid with off-white pipes and wall lamps connected to the pipes.

This lamp has a western classical flavor, about half the size of an adult's head, the inner layer is made of transparent glass, and the outer layer is surrounded by a grid of black metal.

Obliquely below the extinguished wall lamp, a black ink bottle is shrouded in light red brilliance, and the relief on the surface forms a vague angel pattern.

In front of the inkwell, on the right side of the notebook, a dark fountain pen with a round belly and a shimmering nib sits quietly, and the cap rests next to a brass-colored revolver.

pistol? revolver? Zhou Mingrui was stunned, what he saw was so strange, it didn't resemble his own room at all!

While stunned and dazed, he found that the desk, notebook, ink bottle, and revolver were all covered with a crimson "veil", which was the light coming in from the window.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and moved his eyes up a little bit:

In the middle of the sky, above the black "velvet curtain", a crimson full moon hangs high, shining peacefully.

This... Zhou Mingrui was terrified and stood up suddenly, but his legs were not completely straightened, and his head throbbed again. This made him lose his strength for a short time, his center of gravity fell involuntarily, and his butt hit hard against the hardwood. on the chair surface.


The pain failed to affect him, so Zhou Mingrui pressed his hand on the table, stood up again, turned around in a panic, and looked at the environment he was in.

This is a small room, with a brown door on the left and right sides, and a wooden bunk bed next to the opposite wall.