Chapter: 1077

Miss "Justice" got the formula of "Psychiatrist" potion... Klein made a judgment in an instant, and "The Hanged Man" came to a similar conclusion.

"...I will write to my teacher, hoping that he has one of these materials." Foer thought for a while.

"Sun" Derrick nodded and said: "I will also pay attention to it, corroded mirror dragons are not uncommon, and so is the tree of the elders, uh, in the City of Silver, there are also extraordinary characteristics left by the 'psychoanalyst' , However, it is difficult to trade, and it is easy to be suspected."

"Psychoanalyst" is an old name for "psychiatrist".

Their exchange reached Klein's ears, and he then manipulated the "world", making Mr. Dummy say hoarsely, "I'll ask in my circle, by the way, continue to help me find Human Skin You properties of shadows."

"Okay." Audrey the "Justice" turned her head to look at the other side confidently, "Mr. 'The Hanged Man', I will also pay attention to the formula of the 'Wind Blessed' potion you need."

She has already joined the "Psychological Alchemy Association", and there is a secret organization behind it. There, many materials may no longer be scarce, and they can be obtained as long as they pay enough.

"Magician" Forsi repeated: "I will write to ask my teacher."

Witnessing such a development, Klein felt quite relieved. After long-term hard work,

The Tarot Society has finally opened up two major channels, the "Psychological Alchemy Society" and the Abraham Family, and many things will become easier.

"World" said with a low laugh: "Your answer makes me full of hope, but you should also pay attention to protecting yourself, and do it in a way that does not arouse suspicion as much as possible."

"Mr. World, you rarely talk so much." Audrey replied with a slight smile.

... I got carried away with complacency, and didn't pay attention to the original character design of "The World" for a moment... Klein immediately made up for it, making "The World" smile in a low voice: "You have become valuable enough, I hope similar transactions can last for a long, long time Later, therefore, I will remind you one thing."

"Thank you." Audrey greeted gracefully.

At this time, Derrick "The Sun" hesitated and said: "I will try it too, I have completed several patrol missions recently, without any abnormality."

Very good... Klein thought to himself, making The World shut up.

After a brief silence, "The Hanged Man" Argel looked at Miss Justice thoughtfully: "I want to know the details of Duke Negan's assassination. What reward do you need?"

Why are you asking me? As someone who is closely related to the Church of the Storm, shouldn't you already fully understand the specifics of this case? Audrey was taken aback for a moment, and then figured out the intention of Mr. "The Hanged Man".

What he wanted to ask was the organization or force that drove the "Apostle of Desire", but he didn't want to ask Mr. "Fool" directly. He thought it was too abrupt and meant to be a question, so he went around in circles and asked me to open the topic , gently shifting the focus to what he wants to know... He knows that I am a noble lady, and I should pay attention to the assassination of Duke Negan. Don't worry, I won't answer... Mr. "The Hanged Man" is really sophisticated..." "Justice" Audrey said slightly, "No, there is no need for remuneration. Isn't it the purpose of our Tarot Club to exchange common-sense information in their respective regions for free?"

Only in this way can our Tarot Club develop rapidly! she thought very much of herself.

"Your words make me ashamed." "The Hanged Man" Argel was stunned for two seconds, put his hands on his chest, and leaned slightly.

... Klein the Fool, who was shrouded in thick gray fog, laughed dryly in his heart.

Audrey pursed her lips lightly, considered her words and said, "With the help of a special scene, the apostle of 'Desire' completed the assassination of Duke Negan with the help of his own ability to detonate intense emotions and desires, and successfully broke through at the cost of serious injuries. , into the sewer.

"When the 'Nighthawk' catches up to him, he's already dead, and there's still the rogue 'Dark Emperor' at the scene. This gentleman didn't go there just to silence him. His goal is the organization that entrusted the 'Apostle of Desire'."

that organization? Just as "The Hanged Man" was talking to himself in confusion, "The Fool" Klein, who was at the top of the long bronze table, silently praised Miss "Justice", looked towards her, and reminded him casually: "In the outside world, don't mention Don't write down the name of that organization either."

"Why?" Audrey blurted out in astonishment.

Klein leaned back on the back of the chair, and responded in a calm tone: "Whoever has something to say must be known."

Everything that is said must be known... Audrey "Justice" subconsciously looked at Mister Fool, only to feel that the other party's blurred eyes hidden in the gray fog seemed to be emphasizing something.

What Mister Fool means is that as long as you are not in His Kingdom of God, you are not talking to Him, you mention or write down the name of "Twilight Hermit Society", you will be sensed by them using a certain method or a certain item... It should be That's what it means... It's really an extremely secretive and very personal organization! To a certain extent, it is even scarier than the Church of the Seven Gods... and Mister Fool, and we, the Tarot Society, are following their tracks... Audrey felt that she understood a lot of things at once, and straightened her back Backsliding: "I will follow your orders."

Whoever speaks must be known... A secret organization that cannot even be mentioned by name? A powerful organization that I don't even know about? Is this the force behind the "Apostle of Desire"? Mister Fool is sending his followers to look for them? The high-level situation in this world is indeed more complicated than I imagined, with more and more secrets that cannot be guessed... "The Hanged Man" Argel nodded slightly, his heart was shocked and excited.