Chapter: 1094

He took a breath, raised his gaze, and followed Horamick, the "doll" who hadn't raised the lantern, to the other wall of the coffin.

At this time, the magic mirror Arrods brightened up the screen in a fawning manner, making the things in front of him clear.

Klein saw large mottled spots on the opposite wall due to the rapid "weathering" just now, and many murals were destroyed as a result, and could no longer be restored to their previous appearance.

The only relatively complete, colorful mural that can barely be seen is located on the top of the wall, and occupies a small half of the dome upwards.

It describes a majestic and continuous mountain range. On the highest main peak, there is a huge cross that is higher than the mountain.

The cross is covered with layers of light, making it look extremely sacred.

There is a majestic tall figure looming in front of it, and the mountain range is like a pet crawling under his feet.

This figure is surrounded by angels with two wings, four wings, and six wings. They are holding horns, playing the harp, or blowing the flute. They look pious and cheerful.

Below the mountain range, two twelve-winged angels, each holding a baby, walked humbly towards the top of the mountain.

The baby on the left has curly black hair, while the one on the right has light blonde hair.

One of their eyes is black and the other is golden.

Elsewhere in the mountains, there are vaguely depicted giants in chains, and giant dragons whose feet are bound and can never land.

Horamick first looked at the baby on the left, and his kind expression became more serious.

He said a word in a very low voice: "Amon."

Immediately afterwards, he turned to look at the baby on the right, and was silent for a few seconds before uttering a name: "Adam..."

Amon, Adam... Klein repeated these two names, feeling that the fog that shrouded the history of the Quaternary and Tertiary Epochs was getting thicker.

Based on the various news he had heard, he quickly made a certain guess in his heart:

On the top of the mountain, the figure in front of the glorious cross is surrounded by angels, and there are giants and giant dragons surrendering. It must represent the true God in Sequence 0... Another person who likes to use the cross as a symbolic part is the "True Creator"... It was rumored that at first Amon is a descendant of the ancient sun god, but the one on the top of the mountain is not like a pure sun god...

Could it be that He is the "creator of everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God" that the City of Silver believes in?

This is in line with the description in the myths and legends of the City of Silver that the Creator awakened and deprived the authority of ancient gods such as the "King of Giants" and "Dragon of Imagination"...

The so-called ancient sun god is actually the Lord who created everything in the City of Silver? He may hold the fields of "Sun" and "Time". In addition, the authority of "Giant King" Almir and "Dragon of Illusion" Angerweed should also return to Him...

This, this cannot be covered by sequence 0...

So, the original Amon was the descendant of the "lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent god" in the City of Silver, and inherited the extraordinary characteristics of the time domain? This seemed to explain a little of his decades of quiet stay in the dungeon of the City of Silver.

In addition to him, "the creator of all, the omniscient and omnipotent God" also has a descendant named Adam...

What did the original Adam inherit, are there any descendants alive, and if they exist, where will they be...

What is the relationship between the "true Creator" and that person? Simply imitate each other, using the title of Creator and the symbol of the cross? Or, is there some deep connection between the two?

Klein didn't let his doubts show too much, after all, the magic mirror Arrods might be sizing him up.

Horamick stared at the mural for a while, then suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his palms, and pressed them against the wall.

Without a sound, the majestic mural disintegrated, turning into flakes of stone and falling to the ground, and even the colors evaporated and quickly dissipated.

The Church of the God of Steam and Machinery is consciously covering up the history of the Third and Fourth Epochs... Is it the same with other churches? Klein frowned, and followed the "doll" Horamick to the other side.