Chapter: 1143

"This is a tradition that has been put into the museum." Earl Hall denied the eldest son's statement.

Audrey seized the opportunity and said after deliberation: "My impression of Prince Edesak is not such a person, and rumors have already spread... Maybe what they really want to cover up is not this matter."

"Maybe not..." Earl Hall chewed on this sentence, his brows furrowed unconsciously.

Audrey stopped talking, and naturally led the topic to another direction.

Next, she plans to "inquire" with other noble friends. As a girl who was once pursued by Prince Edesak, it is absolutely normal to want to know the details of the matter. Whether she is curious or unwilling, it can drive people to act. Such an attempt.


The state of "artificial sleepwalking" could not last for too long. Emlyn White returned to reality a little tiredly, opened his eyes, looked at the iron-black coffin, and said half relieved and half disappointed: "Nibais My lord, there is no response."

Nibais was silent for a while, and then said hoarsely: "Okay.

"You stay here tonight to prevent accidents from happening."

"Okay!" Emlyn didn't try to be brave at all.

This night, he spent in worry and apprehension, but the night was so peaceful and undisturbed, it didn't recede until the winter sunshine, which was rare in Backlund, fell on the window.

"What a bad weather." Emlyn left Audra's villa, lowered his top hat, and muttered as he stepped into a rental carriage.

His destination was the Harvest Church on the south side of the bridge.

After the carriage drove steadily for a while, Emlyn's eyes suddenly blurred, and he saw the boundless gray-white mist.

Immediately afterwards, he was shocked to find himself in a mysterious and majestic giant palace, sitting beside a mottled ancient bronze long table.

And at the top of the long table, there was a figure shrouded in thick gray mist, watching him condescendingly.

For a moment, Emlyn White was stiff and thoughtless, like a marble statue sitting there.

Then, he heard the figure sitting leisurely in the thick gray fog ask indifferently: "Why do you pray to me?"

Emlyn's mind suddenly buzzed, and he blurted out: "This is the revelation from the ancestor. He told us, through dreams, that the end is coming and we must be prepared, and I, and I am one of the key points." One, my task is to pray to the 'Fool'!"

Hearing the other party's crackling and detailed response, Klein, who was ready to follow up, didn't know where to ask. Emlyn White, the vampire, had already explained everything he wanted to know.

The revelation of the ancestor... Didn't the ancient god Lilith fall in the second era long before the cataclysm, or was her authority taken back by the creator? Because of this, many vampires tried to pray to the "primordial moon", but ended up with a very miserable end... Moreover, Mr. "Gate" also mentioned that the "moon" card is empty, which on the one hand shows that the "primordial moon" The moon" is likely to be the incarnation of some god or high-level demon. On the other hand, it also indirectly proves that the ancient god Lilith has lost the position of Sequence 0. Under normal circumstances, this is often equated with death... Klein instantly thought of the relevant clues.

He originally thought that the "Lilith" that would respond to the blood race's prayers on certain things was a relic of the ancient god, such as the "uniqueness" of the "Moon" pathway, so it was rigid, rigid, passive, and extremely restrictive. But now, the fact that the other party took the initiative to give enlightenment made him deny this guess.

"There are two possibilities. One is that 'Lilith' was pretended by some god to occupy the key points in advance to block the opponents who want to ascend to the throne of sequence 0 of the 'Moon' pathway. In essence, they don't love the blood race. The revelation provided is just a kind of Probing, among them, the most suspect is that the goddess who snatched the title of "Lord of Crimson", but she is already sequence 0, corresponding to the "star" card in the card of blasphemy, why would she covet the "moon"? A good thing to destroy the enemy?

"The second is that the ancient god is dead but not dead. As long as no other strong person becomes the sequence 0 of the 'moon' pathway, he can exist in a strange and incomprehensible way, waiting for the opportunity to return, just like' As described by the Black Emperor card, and the Goddess added the title of 'Lord of Crimson' to herself, perhaps in order to destroy this matter to a certain extent...

"According to this logic, Lilith's recent doomsday apocalypse is a resurrection effort that has been accumulated for many years, and I, the 'fool', will play a key role in his prophecy. If this is true, it should be counted to some extent. The 'Cooperation Invitation' on the Internet... But I am a Beyonder who is only a Sequence 6, how can I cooperate with the ancient gods who have not dissipated?

"Let Emlyn White join the Tarot Society? The blood race is a long-lived race that has lasted from the second era to today, and must know a lot of secrets... It's just that it will take a lot of risk, um, it can be done every time. Before the meeting, let's divination whether to pull Emlyn...

"By the way, there is a similar doomsday prophecy in the notebook "Information of the Spiritual World", which comes from the 'Yellow Light' Venetan. He also pointed out that the curse of the Abraham family will be destroyed by an 'apprentice' who is helped by a hidden existence." Relief, this fits the current state of Miss 'Magician', she is an 'apprentice' who has been helped by me, a 'fool'... This is a bit interesting, could it be that all high-ranking people who are good at prophecy have seen the end Inevitability, and also saw the existence and possible role of 'The Fool'?"

Thoughts flashed through Klein's mind, but his expression didn't change at all.

He leaned against the back of his chair and said with an unhurried smile, "What did your ancestor ask you to pray to me?"

The peaceful voice made Emlyn recover from the state of being so stiff that he didn't know what he was doing, and shook his head slightly dullly: "I don't know..."