Chapter: 1156

The gate seemed to be made of bronze, not real enough, but extremely heavy, with countless strange patterns and symbols of unknown meaning on the surface.

With a creak, the door cracked open, and pale, bloody arms stretched out one after another. Besides, there were also green and black vines with baby faces, and slippery tentacles with protruding eyes.

This is very similar to the effect of Miss Sharron's magical item... While thinking about it, Klein found that those arms, vines, and tentacles were no longer crazy, and became quiet, clinging to the ground. 6 The performance of the "living corpse" after being abruptly pulled into the door is completely different.

Immediately afterwards, the gap in the illusory door widened a lot, and a figure walked out from it.

The figure was wearing a pure black clergyman's robe, and his facial features were like classical sculptures, deep and distinct.

He has dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a high nose bridge, and a soft hat that old people like, and his temples are a little white that don't match his middle-aged appearance.

Seeing the other party's one eye that had completely lost its brilliance, Klein's name suddenly appeared in his heart:

Ince Zangwill!

He single-handedly directed the Tingen incident, which severely damaged the former archbishop of the Nighthawks team and the person in charge of the sealed item "0-08"!

Almost at the same time, Klein turned around, followed Mr. Azik's words, and ran away towards the top of the road.

He is very clear that staying in the demigod-level confrontation with the Sequence 6 self will only slow down and distract Mr. Ards.

And in this kind of situation where time is racing against time, false modesty and hypocritical words are unnecessary, and they will harm themselves and their companions!

Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng, because there was nothing underground to ignite, Klein could only grit his teeth and run with all his strength, while Azik's calm and gentle voice came from his ears: "Keep out of here.

"Don't worry about me, I recalled a lot of things, and I know that I have stayed in a sequence for a long time, and that sequence is called 'Undead'."

Kicking, kicking, kicking, Klein walked around the cliff and entered a dark corridor with a dome. Many mottled murals were painted on the walls on both sides.

At this moment, he heard a majestic and hoarse voice echoing from the previous position: "Teleportation is prohibited here!"

Beside Inz Zangwill, a figure arrived at some time, floating in the air against the laws of physics, wearing a gorgeous mask made of gold on his face.

But Inszangwill didn't launch an attack immediately, instead he glanced at the corner where Klein's figure disappeared.

The Church of the Evernight Goddess Sequence 4 "Night Watchmen" can give others bad luck to a certain extent, but Ince Zangwill, who silently "blessed" Klein just now, discovered that the other party did not slip and fall, and fell into a deep ravine wait for things.

Not only that, Inszangwill also seemed to have hallucinations in front of his eyes, seeing some thin and illusory gray-white mist.

Without time to think about it, he withdrew his gaze and turned to Azik Eggers again.

Squeak, squeak, squeak... Klein, who was running at high speed, suddenly braked. His spiritual intuition told him that there were people in front of him, there were Extraordinary beings, and there was a high probability that they were the guards here!

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his left hand and wiped it on his face. At the same time, there were crisp sounds in his body, and his whole body was abruptly raised by seven or eight centimeters.

When the left palm left his face, he had turned into a middle-aged man with dark blond hair and a one-eyed middle-aged man with a straight nose, Ince Zangwill!

After recalling the other party's demeanor, and using illusion to decorate his clothes, Klein walked forward quickly, rounded the corner, and entered a hall.

There were four guards in dark black body armor, all with sharp eyes.

With a sullen face, Klein walked over, deliberately hoarse, and said seriously: "Someone has sneaked in here, and I'm looking for him.

"Have you found any clues?"

The leading guard first inspected it, then lowered his head and said, "Mr. Zangwill, there is no movement here."

"En." Klein nodded slightly, passed them, and left the hall.