Chapter: 1163

Wearing a hood, a transparent and blurry book quickly appeared in front of him, accompanied by a distant and misty chant: "I came, I saw, I recorded."

The book flipped quickly, and it froze on one page, which immediately burst into light blue and illusory light.

The light enveloped the desperate lady in the pure white robe, making her figure blurred and then invisible.

Ms. Despair instantly saw countless transparent shadows with indescribable shapes, and found that there were bright and pure brilliance at the highest point that contained endless knowledge.

Her body was dragged forward by a strange force, she shuttled quickly, and it didn't take long before she left the place and came to a secluded, dirty and disgusting corner of the alley.

She pulled down the veil to cover her face, and looked up into the sky, only to see that the afternoon sun was covered by clouds and mist, turning pale and dim.

The pale yellow mist is not particularly thick, floating in every place in Backlund, with a slightly choking smell, cold and moist.

It's a pity that I didn't wait until the smog was the worst and most still... The accident that happened to Triss, "0-08" suddenly and briefly lost control, the appearance of Azik, and the destruction before the "Dark Emperor" made things even worse. Growing bigger, becoming noticeable, the action could only be advanced to today... Lady Despair looked around, walked out of the alley, and into the street.

Her pace was very slow, as if she was wandering in a sea of ??mist.

Where she passed, the fog was imperceptibly thicker, stained with a bit of iron-black color, and the visible distance quietly decreased.

After she left the street, a homeless man in an old jacket with a sallow face suddenly coughed so violently that he fell to the ground.

The two poor people who were very close to the homeless backed away in horror, immediately covered their throats, and made a hoo hoo sound, as if they had suffered from severe lung disease or bronchitis, and were already out of breath.

Iron-black and light-yellow smog descended on the eastern district, descended on the dock area, descended on the factory area that was spraying thin smoke, and continued to spread to the entire Backlund.

All kinds of scenes in the distance were "overwhelmed", and even the towering clock tower was left with only a light shadow. Workers and poor people felt uncomfortable one after another. The homeless men who struggled against the cold and poverty surrounded the lady. Along the route, one fell ill and fell down one after another, and human life was as fragile as the foam when washing clothes.

Ms. Despair has a calm and gentle expression, as if she is completing a work of art.

She walked among the passers-by without any abnormality, with the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, and said with a low laugh: "The history of the Loen Kingdom will remember this day: "The Great Smog Incident in Backlund. "


The gloomy valley has been completely covered by the dark and illusory water surface, but the writing of "0-08" has not stopped.

It frantically weaves absurd and horror stories wherever it can be written: "...the drop of the trousers did not affect Ince Zangwill's performance, because he was wearing a robe, perhaps he had expected There will be similar accidents when it arrives...

"The 'Law Mage' frightened Azik Isenger in place and temporarily deprived him of two powerful extraordinary abilities. He was a good helper in the true sense, but the overlapping gate of the spirit world and the underworld was blocked by Azik's Attracted by traits, struck by the power of their battles, changed unpredictably.

"At this time, an unknown existence was attracted and passed by here. He used this to extend his hand to the real world. Oops! He caught Ince Zangwill!"

In mid-air, two blood-yellow arms covered with squirming and rotten flesh suddenly protruded from behind Ince Zangwill, who was wearing the priest's black robe!

They grabbed Ince Zangwill's shoulders and dragged him into the void and into the spirit world.

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Where Inz Zangwill disappeared, the light suddenly disappeared, and it was stained with the richest and deepest darkness.

In the darkness, there is the sound of singing poetry, which is peaceful and lulls people to sleep. Even the countless pale arms that are constantly grasping under the dark water become slow and no longer crazy, as if they have obtained the salvation of the soul.

In such a "dark night", a figure came out, it was Ince Zangwill who had just been dragged into the spirit world.

Compared with before, he lost the soft hat on his head, the clothes on his left shoulder were torn, a piece of flesh was torn off abruptly, and pale yellow pus bubbles gurgled out one after another.

His eyes were no longer indifferent, they were full of pain, as if he was enduring torture that others could not imagine.

"0-08" this quill continued to write: "Some regret, some rejoice, Ince Zangwill has an 'evil god umbilical cord', which comes from the baby in Megoose's belly, from the 'real Creator', by using the 'umbilical cord', he successfully got rid of the imprisonment of unknown existence and forcibly returned to the real world, but he also completely lost that magical item, and will bear the resentment that the heir of the evil god cannot be born in a short time.