Chapter: 1229

hostage? He was worried that I would be on the ship as an internal response, so that the subsequent pirates could hijack the White Agate, so he planned to use me as a hostage? Makes sense, if this is the case, even if I get off the ship now, I won�t be able to avoid the attack of the pirate group in the future, it�s better to take a hostage, which is conducive to negotiations... Shit, I hate this kind of arrogance, indifference, and incompetence Talking guys always only say one or two words, or half a sentence, and you have to guess the rest by yourself! If, if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't beat him, I wouldn't even have any communication with this guy! How could I have thought that his temper was to my liking? I must be crazy... Danis thought with itchy teeth.

"Okay." He sighed helplessly.

"Go to your cabin." Klein kept the perfected Gehrman Sparrow character.

Huh... "Laging Flame" Danis carried the suitcase, and reluctantly led the monster in human skin into the cabin, to the upper floor, and arrived at guest room 32.

After opening the door, Klein took a quick glance and felt that this place was many times better than the second-class cabin.

The living room is about 30 square meters, connected to a master bedroom and three servant rooms, with an independent washroom, a standard wardrobe and a mahogany desk.

Danitz put down the suitcase, glanced at the servant's room, and suddenly thought of a very important question: "Just leave the master bedroom empty like this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he already knew the answer.

"Mine." Klein smiled politely.

Sure enough, in order to guard me... Danis felt depressed for a while.

Klein stepped on the carpet in the room and took two steps, pointed to the door and said, "Follow me downstairs."

"...Okay." Danitz was a little confused, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

The combination of adventurers and well-known pirates quickly arrived at the second-class cabin area and found Klein's original room.

After opening the door, Klein didn't go in. He pointed to Danitz and said, "Pack up the things on the table and put them in the suitcase."

What? tidy? I help you clean up? Danitz was almost stunned.

In an instant, he only felt a surge of anger rushing straight to the top of his head:

I, "Raging Flame" Danitz, the fourth bosun of "Vice Admiral Iceberg", a well-known pirate who offered a reward of 3,000 pounds, how could I be driven around like a servant!

Neither my dignity nor my reputation allow me to accept such an insult!

Klein saw "Laging Flame" Danis standing there motionless in the form of a stone sculpture, so he gave him a cold look.

Danitz's body trembled suddenly.

He took a breath, and replied with a smile that was uglier than crying: "Okay."

Aggrieved, he bent down and entered the not-so-high room, and swiftly put the scattered items into the suitcase one by one.

There was no need for Klein to remind him, he arranged it very neatly, and he was more careful than his own luggage.

After doing all this, he carried the suitcase, followed Klein, and returned upstairs.

On the way, he always had the urge to pounce on the opponent's back, but in the end he endured it.

Back in Room 32, Danitz gritted his teeth, swallowed his saliva and said, "What should I call you?"

"Gehrman Sparrow." Klein responded concisely.

Gehrman Sparrow... Danis chewed on this name in his heart, and vowed that he would never forget what happened today, and he would definitely let the other party experience a similar experience in the future!

Captain will definitely help me! he thought expectantly.

For the sake of personality, Klein didn't choose an easy chair, and sat down on a hardwood chair at random.