Chapter: 125

�Klein picked up the coffee cup that was out of coffee, and pretended to take a sip.

Throughout the afternoon, the members were immersed in the divination of the astrolabe and magic mirror, and occasionally came to discuss with Klein and Edward.

And at times like this, Klein is doing his duty as an informal member of the Nighthawks team, trying his best to guide them to avoid thoughts that may involve extraordinary and dangerous.

However, what he most wanted to do failed. Several inquirers came and went, but none of them chose him to help with divination.

"Maybe next time I'll take the initiative to 'entertain' and say something like 'you're in bad luck', 'you're going to have misfortune lately', 'you're not going to go well with anything'? No, that's not like a fortune-teller It's already..." Thinking of this, Klein couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at himself.

He took his cane, stood up, took his leave and left.

At half past five, Edward Steve put on his coat and was about to walk out of the divination club when he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Good afternoon, Glacis, long time no see." He greeted with a smile, and saw that this friend with the same hobbies was wearing his usual formal attire, a black tie, and a pair of monocles hanging from his breast pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed that the other party's complexion was quite bad, and even the light yellow and soft hair showed signs of dryness.

"Good afternoon, Edward...cough." Glacis, who was holding the hat in his hand, suddenly put his fist against his mouth and coughed a few times.

Edward asked concerned: "You seem to be sick?"

"It was a very serious illness that even turned into pneumonia before. If my wife hadn't just met a powerful pharmacist and given me some magical potions, you might not be able to see me until the cemetery." Glacis said The tone is full of fear and joy.

"Lord, I can't believe it, you were so healthy before, look, look, you are so weak now! I remember reading you last week, and there was no indication that you were going to be seriously ill. "Edward moved his stick and sighed in surprise.

"My own divination results are also the same as what you gave. Maybe we are not qualified fortune tellers, and, and..." Glacis suddenly remembered what happened on Monday, and his expression became extremely solemn.

At this moment, the beautiful lady Angelica greeted her with a gentle smile and saluted.

After greeting each other, she first paid attention to Glacis' health and offered some suggestions, and then casually said: "Mr. Glacis, the Mr. Moretti who asked you for a fortune last time has also joined the club."

"The one who asked me for divination last time?" Glacis' eyes lit up, "Lord, where is he?"

"He has already left." Neither Angelica nor Edward could understand Glacis' abnormal reaction.

Glacis took two steps excitedly: "If I'm not at the club when he comes next time, please be sure to ask when he will come again!"

"Glashis, what's going on? Did that Mr. Klein Moretti do anything to you?" Edward asked suspiciously.

Glacis raised his arms, looked directly at Edward and Angelica's inquiring eyes, and replied passionately: "He is a very, very, very miraculous..."

Swinging his arm down, Glacis, who used three "very" to describe it, said loudly: "Doctor!"

At half past seven in the evening, at the dining table at Moretti's house.

"Klein, why do you, as a consultant, need to arrive early? Will the security company's emergency affairs be more dangerous?" Benson forked a piece of potato in the potato beef stew, and mentioned the early morning incident with implicit concern.

Klein carefully spat out the bones of fried meat and fish, and replied preparedly: "A batch of historical documents that need to be transported to Backlund immediately, I have to go to the scene to check and make sure there are no omissions, you know, those who can only shake their fists The guys don't even know the ancient Feysac script."

Hearing his answer, Benson couldn't help but sigh after chewing the food in his mouth: "Knowledge is really important."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Klein took out the remaining �5 note and handed it to Benson: "This is the extra reward I got today, and you also need decent clothes."

"5 pounds?" Benson and Melissa said at the same time.

He picked up the banknote, read it over and over again, and said half surprised and half puzzled: "This security company is really generous..."

His salary for one week was �1 and ten soli, which was exactly �6 for four weeks, which was only �1 more than this extra pay!