Chapter: 1279

Klein watched the waiter put the plate of grilled fish in front of him. It was covered with something like straw and covered with various spices he knew and didn't know.

That strong smell penetrated into Klein's nose, greatly increasing his saliva secretion.

As expected of the Spice Islands... Klein was about to pick up the knife and fork when he saw the waiter put two twig-like objects on the dinner plate.

Chopsticks? Klein was a little surprised.

Then he quickly pinpointed the suspect:

Russell Gustav!

"When eating grilled sticklebacks, you have to use this kind of tableware. It is said that Emperor Roselle got the inspiration from the customs of the elves." The waiter introduced.

Elven customs? It really is a race that loves cooking and food... Or, it is purely an excuse made by Roselle... Klein guessed with a good understanding of someone's personality.

He went to several church hospitals in Bayam in the morning, hoping to provide end-of-life care for some near-death people, help them fulfill their wishes, and go deep into acting, but he still couldn't find a suitable target.

This is not to say that no one died in the hospital, but that there were family members who were with them, or who had witnessed the death, and if they pretended to be, there would be no possibility of disguise, only a frightening effect.

Wait a while at the bar where adventurers gather. There are many foreigners who come to the sea in pursuit of wealth. They will die in some dark corner like wild dogs that no one cares about at any time, but their families will never get it. News... Klein calmed down and focused on food.

The quality of the stickleback's meat is definitely not as good as that of the murloc, but the various spices are mixed and not messy, and the layered characteristics are still quite appreciated by Klein. He just wants to eat it and can't stop eating it.

"Actually, there are Extraordinary people here who want to quit the dangerous circle and live the life of ordinary people. They can go to Backlund to open a Rothed restaurant, which specializes in similar grilled fish. With the tolerance of the metropolis, the business will definitely not be bad. The only problem is that the prices of many spices are definitely not as cheap as here, the cost will be high, and the target group must be well positioned..." Klein put down the rather rough pair of chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and thought about it endlessly with.

In his opinion, most of the time, ordinary people can't find a way to get rich because they don't have enough vision. However, such things as vision are restricted by their own education and daily experience, and are constrained by their class. It is really difficult to escape. In order to break through this limitation, it is the most effective way to go all out to pursue a better and higher level of education. The second is to dare to take risks and wander around. Of course, this risk is very high, and many people perish without a trace. this way.

For this meal, Klein spent 2 soli and 5 pence. The price is not cheap, but he has always been willing to spend money on food, and the main expenses recently have been contracted by Danitz.

Pulling up his collar and putting on his hat, he walked out of Old John's Restaurant with a black cane in his hand, just in time to see a police officer chasing away homeless people on the street.

The natives of the Rorsted Islands have darker complexion than the people of the southern continent, close to the kind of bronze that often basks in the sun. Their hair is mainly dark black, and all of them are naturally slightly curly, which is quite different from the colonists of the Loen Kingdom. .

It has been less than 50 years since this place was completely colonized. At first, Loen cooperated with the indigenous princes and chiefs in the name of the Zhongsonia Company to extract economic benefits. Interests provoke the enemy and start a war. The most absurd thing is that they also reported to each other that their competitors had accepted bribes. For this reason, they each found the members behind them, attacked each other during the meeting of the House of Representatives, and almost went to court. (Note 1)

The local aborigines certainly can't imagine that in their eyes, the big man who can make the princes and chiefs bend their backs, kiss the uppers of their shoes, and send carloads of gifts, is a small role in Backlund who is not even a member of parliament�although most of them From an aristocratic family, but very low in line of succession.

After that dispute, the king and the prime minister reached an agreement to redeem the stocks, end the Zhongsonia Company, send fleets and soldiers to fully occupy the Rorsted Islands, and implement real colonial rule.

Currently, the archipelago is governed by the Governor's Mansion, the Parliament and the Court. The top ranks all belong to the Loen people, while some of the middle ranks, members of parliament and judges of the Magistrate Court are descendants of the original princes and chiefs, and the bottom ranks are open to the local educated aborigines. This includes policemen below the superintendent.

The one wielding a short stick to drive away the homeless was a local policeman, and his target also had obvious Rorsted ethnic characteristics.

As soon as he saw Klein, who was wearing a double-breasted frock coat, a half-height silk top hat, and holding a black civilized stick, the policeman immediately put away his short stick, stood up straight, put his legs together, and bowed.

"Good afternoon, sir.

"Do you need any help?"

Klein felt a little complicated, nodded slightly and said

"Is there no carriage here?"

"The Governor's Mansion stipulates that horse-drawn carriages are not allowed to enter this street. You have to go to the street in front of you." The policeman explained anxiously but enthusiastically.

"Thank you." Klein casually praised, "You speak Loen well."

The policeman was pleasantly surprised