Chapter: 1303

Klein put down his luggage, rested for a while, got up and went back to the ground floor, ready to settle the dinner issue.

On the entire first floor, except for the counter, there are many tables placed in a mess, and the surface is slightly greasy. In the corner, the fireplace is burning fiercely, emitting light and heat.

The Rorsted Islands are in the south, and the lowest winter temperature is about 10 degrees, but for the locals, this is still a cold weather that needs to warm up.

Klein found a seat at random and sat down. He ordered a local specialty roast meat and mushroom soup with fragrant leaves. The main food was potato bread.

While waiting, he quietly scanned the diners in the restaurant, and his eyes instinctively fell on a lady.

This lady has black hair that is simply tied up and a pair of very characteristic blue-gray eyes.

She was obviously not of local race, but she was wearing a men's shirt, a brown thick jacket, and a round-brimmed hat with a hollow in the middle.

This is a more common outfit for adventurers on the sea, and the same is true for the three men at the same table, and they have obvious characteristics of being exposed to the sun and rain.

Klein never concealed his admiration for a beautiful lady, but it wasn't her looks that caught his attention.

There is a strong atmosphere of discrimination against women in the sea. Women who can mix in adventurers and pirates with a certain status are either very scheming, strong, or both. They must be careful and guard against!

There are relatively fresh mud spots on their leather boots... just came back from the jungle? Hehe, what an adventurer... Klein made a preliminary judgment based on some clues.

If these four adventurers had come by boat from Bayam, even if they had stepped on sewage and mud before, the traces would have dried up long ago, and the roads inside the town hadn't rained in the past two days, so it was still not bad. Clean and tidy, just a little dust. Excluding these two possibilities, the only explanation left is that the other party returned from exploring the jungle in the outskirts.

Klein had heard before that many adventurers would go deep into the virgin forests on the colonial islands to find abandoned and forgotten pagan temples or altars. Those places often had gold and jewels enshrined in ancient times, but later for various reasons Buried in a place that no one cares about and no one knows about, there are no shortage of legends about who and who returned to riches overnight in the jungle adventures in bars on various islands.

There might be evil spirits wandering around in those places... It's better to hunt pirates, at least you can get the corresponding information in advance... Klein looked away and concentrated on waiting for the food.

The seven major churches classified the various gods in the primitive beliefs of the colonies as evil spirits, but Klein believed that some of them should belong to natural spirits.

After a while, the special barbecue was served. They were cut into many small pieces and skewered on wooden sticks. The surface was coated with brown-red sauce, which had a strong aroma and an attractive color.

It's a bit like the grilled skewers in his previous life... In Loen, a large piece of meat is grilled, and the chef divides it up after roasting... The method here is more flavorful... Klein picked up a wooden stick and bit into it. When a piece of meat comes down, the meat juice is slightly overflowing, with a slight sweetness in the salty aroma.

It's my type! He nodded in satisfaction.

Klein was quite satisfied with this meal, and even tasted the local "Gulu tree sap", which is a special drink, like lemonade with sugar and milk.

Back in the room, because he hadn't slept all night because of the hunting last night, he washed up early, turned off the fireplace, and got into bed.

And if you go to bed too early, there will inevitably be a problem, that is, being woken up by urine in the middle of the night.

Klein's dream was interrupted, he opened his eyes, and gradually accumulated the courage to lift the bed.

In the middle of the night, Simim looks like ** degrees Celsius, which is already considered cold in terms of body feeling.

After lying quietly for a while, Klein stretched out his arms, then retracted them silently.

After thinking for a few seconds, he reached out again and picked up the "sun brooch" on the bedside table.

Although this only provides a mentally hot summer, it does not provide heat in essence, but at least you can deceive yourself that it is not cold now.

Klein pulled out the quilt and went straight to the bathroom in the room.

He narrowed his eyes and relieved the pressure in his stomach.

After everything was finished, he pulled up his pants and was about to wash his hands, when he suddenly had an inspiration.

Klein frowned slightly, and looked up at the bathroom vent.