Chapter: 1319

Looking up, they saw two of their companions falling straight down, their skin like weathered rocks, having lost all moisture.

Karat and Edmonton glanced at each other, feeling a strange atmosphere.

The two straightened their bodies at the same time and looked at the table.

The milky white holy sword cracked open with a crack, and shattered into countless small pieces.

"When an outsider picks up this holy sword, the god will reappear on the earth."

"But what if the holy sword is broken?"

These two sentences echoed in the minds of Karat and Edmonton, completely touching their blind spots of knowledge.

For dozens of seconds, they looked at the shattered holy sword with dull expressions, unable to speak.

They couldn't believe that the holy sword, which was only touched by outsiders in the evening, was broken so suddenly!

what does that mean? What does this mean? The two didn't dare to think deeply, as if they had returned to the beginning. At that time, a hidden stronghold of the rebel army was discovered by the Loen army, and it was raided without warning. All their parents died in that massacre. Relatives were kidnapped and trafficked to different places. Before receiving the bad news, Karat and Edmonton were in the same mood as they were at this time. Precipitation, panic, expectation and anxiety mixed into a strong depression.

"Go back to the jungle, find the high priest, and find out the reason. Perhaps, this is the latest revelation from God..." Karat said in a deep voice, turning the wheelchair.

Edmonton stood up immediately, and said to the rest of his subordinates: "You continue to look for those blasphemers, but don't stay here.

"Also, tell the believers outside not to hold any ceremony recently, not even to pray!"

Unexpected changes in things made him extra vigilant.


Bayam, on the corner of the street where the Church of the Waves is located.

Danitz held a stack of white paper folded in half, and asked nervously, worriedly and puzzled, "You mean, post them in different places on this street, and at the end is the gate of the Church of the Waves? "

He was very afraid that the door of the church would suddenly open, and a group of priests and bishops rushing out with fists shaking, would directly attack without asking why he had posted the notice.

Klein maintained a stern state and said, "Yes."

His original plan was to transfer the matter of "Sea God" Kavitua to Mr. "The Hanged Man", and he would remind the Church of Storms, but considering that the other party still holds the secret of Bansi Port, he may have even handed it over to Mr. , Another important piece of information in a short period of time will easily attract suspicion, so I finally decided to do it myself.

As for the method, it is very simple. Post a few notices at the door of the "Punishers" so that they can see them as soon as they come out.

There was a small problem in the execution of this plan, that is, Klein couldn't tell which store and which company around the Church of the Waves were the "punishers" externally, so he had to ask Danitz to work harder and put the conspicuous place Post them all, including but not limited to the main entrance of the Wave Church.

...I should have just run away before...Why did I think that this guy saved my life, maybe because I have become a gold pound if I were another powerful adventurer...No, who can Thinking that this lunatic solved the curse of "Sea God" so easily, escaping might be even worse... Danis sighed a few words in his heart, unfolded the stack of white papers, and casually glanced at the content on it: "Latti Sia Dorilla and others entered the "Sea God" ruins on Simim Island and left, and were hunted down by the rebels; at the same time, Karat and other rebels were selling a slightly curved strange bone sword; "Sea God" Kavitu Wa's body is on the verge of collapse, and his mental state is extremely crazy."

...Danitz was stunned for two seconds, then subconsciously glanced at Gehrman Sparrow.

I can understand everything before, but why does the "God of the Sea" Kalvetua appear to be on the verge of collapse, and his mental state is extremely crazy... How did Gehrman Sparrow know? In the process of solving the curse of "Sea God", he discovered a problem? How did he solve the "Sea God" curse? The organization behind him is more powerful and terrifying than I imagined... Could it be that it is similar to the "Aurora Society", serving a real god? The more Danitz thought about it, the more frightened he became.

He first heard that the "Aurora Society" originated from a robbery at sea. At that time, he saw the captain's solemn expression for the first time, and then he was taught some common sense of the so-called mysterious world.

Klein responded to Danitz's gaze with a gaze that showed no emotional ups and downs.

In that announcement, he excluded his own subjective guesses, and only described things that were certain, so as not to interfere with the judgment of the Church of the Storm's senior management.

Among them, the content that Laticia and others took an important item was deleted, and the lost temple was changed to a broader and more inclusive "Sea God" ruins. The strongholds that would obviously be abandoned after the accident were also omitted.

Danitz suddenly looked away, not daring to look any further.