Chapter: 1335

The method is very simple, that is to throw out the "All Black Eye" originated from "Secret Puppet Master" Rosago!

Since you, Kavitua, create a sea vortex and want to swallow everything, then I will let you take another bottle of "magic medicine" without auxiliary materials, and give it a gift of spiritual pollution from the "true creator"! In this way, I don't believe that you, who are about to collapse, can hold on! Klein clenched his teeth and reached into his pocket.

Perhaps it was instinctively aware of his sinister intentions, or maybe the crazy Kavitua was impatient. At this moment, it raised its head and hissed violently, causing the whirlpool of sea water in its throat to collapse and disintegrate, turning into countless water droplets, spraying towards outside the gate of illusion.


There was a torrential rain in the warehouse, and a group of silvery white, dazzling, and countless electric-light entangled thunderballs condensed at Kavitua's throat.

With a bang, it spit out the thunder ball.

During the "torrential rain", the silvery white thunderballs turned into eye-catching lightning bolts, rapidly expanding outward, destroying the simple altar and occupying the entire warehouse.

Zizz, zzz, in the sea of ??thunder and lightning, Klein's figure kept reappearing and scorching black, turning into paper scraps. Danitz outside the warehouse was also affected, his hair stood on end, and his body trembled like twitching.

After using several "paper doll stand-ins" in a row, Klein, who was approaching his limit, finally waited until the lightning subsided.

And the illusory door was affected by the complete destruction of the ceremony, and it closed quickly and unstoppably.


"Sea God" Kavetuva's unwilling screams were isolated outside the door.

After a short while, the illusory gate completely disappeared, and the surroundings were in a mess. There was only one candle left on the altar, flickering weakly.

boom! Danitz leaned forward to the warehouse wall, barely standing at the door.

He wanted to speak, but he couldn't stop twitching. He could only express his frustration with his eyes:

Gehrman Sparrow is really a lunatic!

I can still recall the horror I experienced when I was in Bansy Port, and I still have nightmares because of it... When I selected items produced by the Rebel Army, I was cursed by the "Sea God". I almost ran away... This time, what kind of sacrifice was made this time, and Kavitua was almost summoned. It was extremely dangerous just now... He, why does he love adventures and make big things so much? Looking for excitement on the edge of death again and again! Is this his crazy performance, or the reason?

Kavitua, the "Sea God", is still very strong. Even if he is on the verge of death, even if only a part of his power can be revealed through the "Sacrifice Gate", he almost easily kills me... It is worthy of being able to compete with the "Sea King" A demigod... Klein pulled out his feet from the ground and saw that the leather boots were already tattered.

At the same time, he found that whether it was luck or necessity, in any sense, Kavitua accepted his "sacrifice", because when the huge sea snake created the vortex, it swallowed the gray mist Smelly iron cigarette case and many other things.

In other words, I can try to locate its hiding place in the spirit world, but I have to wait for it to die, and it will no longer interfere with and resist my divination... This kind of search must enter the spirit world, and the gray fog cannot be used all the time... As soon as Klein quietly exhaled, he felt an indescribable madness and hunger emanating from the glove on his left palm, as if he was about to devour the wearer if he couldn't wait for any more food.

There are no criminals nearby... Klein looked sideways at Danitz at the door.

Danitz's spirit suddenly tightened, and he felt that he was being targeted by a certain monster and was about to become the other's food.

The hunger on the spiritual level made him tremble slightly, wishing he could turn around and run away immediately.

Then, he heard Gehrman Sparrow's indifferent voice: "Close the door from the outside."

"...Okay!" Danitz resisted the pain left by the electric shock, and pushed back the door panel that had been knocked out, barely blocking the hole.

Klein seized the time, held a sacrificial ceremony, prayed to himself, responded to himself, and threw the "squirming hunger" that was about to get out of control on the gray mist.

The mystical item that frightened Danitz so much that he didn't dare to resist immediately became calm, gentle and tame.

? Returning to the real world, Klein extinguished the candles, put away the remaining items, and carefully checked the situation in the warehouse.

Fortunately for him, the sea vortex created by Kavitua completely cleaned up the place, leaving only the rain sprayed out later, the charred part of the lightning, the rare amount of ash, and the ravines plowed by Klein's feet. .

The traces are easy to solve, just let Danitz use fireballs to "wash" this place, and pretend it's an infighting among pirates... Klein nodded invisibly, pulled out one of the few remaining paper figurines, and snapped. Shaking the forearm vigorously, shaking the wrist.