Chapter: 1355

After folding the letter paper, he took out the copper whistle and summoned the messenger.

The messenger didn't stop, took the letter away, and disintegrated on the spot.

Phew... Klein rested for a while, preparing to enter above the gray mist, to see if the prayers of those believers could bring him useful information, such as who he could actually act as.

? Above the gray mist, inside the palace that looks like a giant's residence.

Klein sat on the Fool's seat, raised his right hand, and let the "Sea God's Scepter" hidden in the debris pile fly out and land in his palm.

He originally planned to place this sealed item comparable to a "1" level next to the seat, which is a respect for demigod-level items, but after careful consideration, he felt that the "Scepter of the Sea God" still couldn't match the mysterious The "Fool" who is powerful and can fight against evil gods such as "True Creator" and "Primary Witch" is barely qualified at the level of "Card of Blasphemy", so the "Scepter of Sea God" is still thrown into the debris pile.

Looking at the dots of blue around the bone scepter, Klein had a thought, and gave the idea of ????dividing them into preliminary divisions.

As he expected, those blue light spots completed their differentiation according to his will, simply praising the "Sea God", sinking to the bottom with nothing to pray for, and then speeding up their disappearance, those involving confession and prayer floated upwards, Closer to Klein's palm.

Following his spiritual intuition, he "clicked" on one of the latter.

All of a sudden, he saw the surging waves and heard the howling wind.

An offshore fishing boat is up and down in the undulating dark blue, tossed up and down, and may capsize at any time.

On the fishing boat, the people who were obviously local aborigines hugged the mast tightly, or pulled the ropes, making the last effort, and many of them chanted the honorable name of "Sea God" in panic.

Klein realized that this was an ongoing prayer, so he raised the milky white scepter.

On the top of the scepter, the blue "gemstones" burst into halos one after another, forming a single piece, and shining into the scene.

The fishermen were gradually desperate, and suddenly they felt stabilized by the boat that was thrown up and down.

They looked around in astonishment, and saw that the huge waves like hills had become calm at some point, and the strong wind raging across the sea became more and more slow, as soft as the taste of Zarha beer.

The dark clouds stacked in mid-air dissipated, and before a storm could show its full body, it was forcibly pushed back by a mysterious force.

The fishermen quickly woke up from the sluggish state and understood what happened: "Sea God" blessed everyone, and "Sea God" showed His majesty!

Plop, plop, plop!

They all prostrated themselves on the deck, spread their hands, put them to their mouths, and recited the honorable name of "Sea God" in an untidy way: "Thank you, praise you, the favored one of the sea and the spirit world, the protector of the Rorsted Islands." , the ruler of sea creatures, the master of tsunamis and storms, the great Kavitua!"

Above the gray fog, Klein was inexplicably depressed:

Obviously I saved you, why should I thank Kavitua?

That sea snake will only purposely create a hurricane, set off waves, and scare you so that you have to believe in it devoutly...

Klein was silent for two seconds, then suddenly burst out laughing: "Kavetua is dead, and the current Kavetua is my other identity.

"Why should I feel bad about someone thanking me for another identity?

"This is the problem that must be paid attention to in the real performance of 'Faceless Man'? To truly integrate into the identity, to regard his emotions as your own, but not forget who you are originally... This is really true. It's very difficult to do, if you don't pay attention, you will go insane, and if the Extraordinary is insane, it will not be far away from losing control..."

After thinking carefully for a while, Klein exhaled, chuckled and said to himself: "Playing the 'Sea God' is quite rewarding.

"Although with the gray fog shielding and isolation, this kind of role-playing may not receive feedback, which will directly promote my digestion of the 'Faceless Man' potion, but it can also provide experience and lessons to help me find out a safer and more effective role-playing method. method."

Concentrating his mind, Klein spread his spirituality to another light spot.

This time the prayer came from a certain bridge hole. A woman with torn clothes and festered body was leaning in a corner, murmuring the honorable name of "Sea God", making her final confession.