Chapter: 1406

The intellectual and beautiful pirate general said silently for a while: "Senior sent a message that he is willing to pay 5,000 pounds to buy the key that belongs to the giant that I found earlier."

This refers to the huge black iron key that was advertised as the "Death Key", which almost caused Danis to lose his life in Bayam. Klein suspected that it not only originated from the dark Second Epoch, but also had something to do with the Royal Court of Giants Certain relationship.

The implication is to ask me if I want to make a price? Klein was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and couldn't help muttering a few words in his heart: "5000 pounds? I don't even know if the key can be used, and whether it really involves the giant court! If not, can I return it?

"And there is no pre-information about this matter at all, even if you get the divination above the gray fog, you can't get effective enlightenment.

"Well, a simple reasoning is that if it doesn't involve the court of giants, and it involves another treasure that I don't know about at all, then I can't use it after buying it. Conspiracy, harming others and benefiting oneself, if it involves the Giant King's Court, even if the 'Admiral of Blood' is bought, there is a high probability that the target location will not be found, because it is in the 'Land Abandoned by God',

And my plan is to hunt him down. At that time, I can get the key without spending money, which means that he will buy it for me and keep it for a period of time.

"Although such an idea is idealistic, it is not impossible..."

Klein pondered for a few seconds and said, "It may hide a big secret."

He deliberately mentioned this to make "Vice Admiral Iceberg" reluctant to sell the huge black iron key to "Admiral of Blood" Senor, lest the latter get stronger quickly due to the acquisition of treasure in the first case , Stepping into the realm of demigods would bring no small disaster.

After Edwina listened quietly, she didn't continue the topic, turned her body halfway, pointed at the cabin entrance and said, "There is breakfast for you."

"Thank you." Klein took off his hat and saluted.

On the way to follow "Vice Admiral Iceberg" to the cabin, he quickly recalled the conversation just now, looking for Edwina's real intention for inviting him to come and meet.

"From the issue of Gehrman Sparrow's identity, to the mystical items suspected of 'squirming hunger', to the sacrifice to Kavetuva and the 'Sea God' who should have fallen is still responding to believers, these things are linked together Together, it is indeed easy to think that there is a secret organization behind me with unknown purpose.

"And the faction that "Vice General Bingshan" belongs to is very vigilant and interested in this, so let her interview me face to face and see if I can gain anything?

"They are currently relatively well-intentioned. Providing assistance to the rebels is an expression. It seems that they are more inclined to cooperate with the organization behind me to a certain extent. Of course, the unknown is always scary. If you don't know enough and are not sure, 'Lieutenant General Iceberg' their hands-on may be very low.

"Hehe, if they find out, the secret organization behind me has only been established for a little over half a year. Counting the 'World' and Ms. Xio who has established contact but has not been drawn in, there are no more than ten members. Will they be angry? until directly out of control..."

As his thoughts raced, Klein entered the cabin, walked along the dimly lit aisle, and walked between wooden doors.

He followed Edwina up the stairs to the brighter second floor.

Before entering the pirate's restaurant, they passed a half-open room.

Klein glanced inside casually, and found that the huge black iron key was just casually placed on a wooden table.

"This is the proof of our previous treasure hunts. Some of them are just souvenirs, and some have not yet shown their value and need to be studied." Edwina seemed indifferent, but she explained in great detail, and she was afraid that the other party would listen. I don't understand, I don't understand the spirit of what's going on.

And when the word "research" was mentioned, her light blue eyes, like clear spring water, brightened up a little.

Proof of previous treasure hunts? Klein couldn't help but glanced inside.

At this time, Edwina took the initiative to push the door wider, walked in, and casually introduced, "This is a gold coin from the Fourth Epoch Solomon Empire."

Klein then turned his gaze and saw a coin placed in a photo frame.

Its overall color is dark gold, as if it is spliced ??by two semicircles of different sizes, and it is extremely asymmetrical. Its surface is engraved with a pointed crown, which is very similar to the one on the head of "King of the Five Seas" Nast.

Like a master who likes to show off her collection, Edwina introduced the items in the room one by one, which made Klein think of an acquaintance, that is the old man "Eye of Wisdom", great detective Isengard Stanton .

"In terms of showing off their collections, they are very similar... Is it true that people with rich collections have such a habit? Wait, Mr. Stanton went to Lunburg to study for four years, and the description of 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' also has 'from London Edwina Edwards of Lunburg, this... the capital of Lunburg is the headquarters of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, and Mr. Stanton also admitted that he converted to the 'God of Knowledge and Wisdom' during his study abroad... Could it be they are the forces behind 'Vice Admiral Iceberg'?" Klein listened thoughtfully until Edwina stopped in front of the huge iron black key.

Just like what I saw in the previous dream, this key is as big as a lyre, and normal humans have to hold it to move it. The whole is dull and ancient in shape.

The pattern on the surface is similar to the style of the City of Silver, with obvious characteristics of giants... Klein nodded, and was about to look back when Edwina said, "You can study it."