Chapter: 1449

The "Hermit" Cattleya, who participated in the Tarot Club for the second time, basically didn't understand what other people were communicating.

As a pirate general, she is no stranger to Bansy Port, but she has no idea what happened there, and she doesn't know why the Church of Storms destroyed it and took a long time to rebuild it.

It should be a very serious and high-level matter... The members of the Tarot Club seem to know something... Although their sequence is not too high, they seem to know a lot, and they are involved in many incidents... Except for "the sun"... This is why Mister Fool acquiesced in setting up this party? Through the Tarot Society, indirectly affect different organizations and different events? "The Hermit" Cattleya once again adjusted her perception of other members, and looked up to them more and more.

She still remained silent and didn't ask any questions, which disappointed Audrey the Justice who was waiting for the answer to her question in a showy mood.

Even Ms. "Hermit" should not be able to get in touch with the King of Angels in the real world. No, she might not even know that there is a King of Angels... Audrey suddenly thought of it.

After exchanging the ending of Bansy Port, "Moon" Emlyn White, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately cleared his throat and said, "Thanks to Mr. Hanged Man for your help, I am already a baron.

"I have a question. As a blood race, after being promoted to baron, do you need to use the 'acting method' to promote the so-called digestion and better master extraordinary characteristics like you humans?"

His back was straight, his neck was lifted, his chin lifted slightly.

I'm sorry, Mister Fool can't answer your question, but theoretically, it is necessary, after all, it is someone else's "inheritance"... Klein leaned back in his chair and sat in the gray fog, "Relax "Looking at the members of the Tarot Society.

"The Hermit" Cattleya looked around and said, "The Blood Baron corresponds to Sequence 6 'Professor of Potions'?"

"Yes." Emlyn replied with a hard smile.

He is not stupid, he has judged the sequence of other members outside the "world" from previous transactions and exchanges, and believes that he is now one of the best Tarot members, except for Mr. Fool, who just joined except for Ms.

Mister "Moon" has a Sequence 6? Why does it feel that "Sun" is not yet mature... Audrey "Justice" pursed her lips.

At this time, "The Hermit" Cattleya said: "You need to act, because that path is only called 'vampire' by Sequence 7, and you are born with it, so you don't need to act, you need everything else."

"Ms. Hermit, which pathway's Sequence 7 is this?" Audrey the Justice blinked and asked curiously before Emlyn White could speak.

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Without waiting for the "Hermit" to answer, Audrey the "Justice" added: "If you think this information is important and you cannot exchange it for free, I can pay you a certain amount."

"No, no need, anyone who is familiar with the Church of the Goddess of the Earth in Fenepot can understand the situation in this regard." "The Hermit" Cattleya did not doubt the sincerity of "Miss Justice"'s equivalent exchange. She believed that the other party had enough financial strength or resources to meet her asking price, but she still decided to disclose some information for free.

The first is to enhance Miss Justice's favor towards her, laying the foundation for possible subsequent transactions, and the second is to observe the reactions of the members of the Tarot Society through the dissemination of information, and speculate on their status in their own organizations and forces.

I am familiar with Bishop Utravsky, the favored man of the Mother Earth, but I don't understand the corresponding situation at all...Of course, I am a little afraid of him. The height and shape are too oppressive. Talk to Emlyn White... "The Fool" Klein at the top of the long bronze table laughed at himself.

"The Hermit" Cattleya did not pause, and said to herself: "'Vampire' belongs to the 'Moon' pathway, and the corresponding Sequence 9 is 'Pharmacist', Sequence 8 is 'Beast Tamer', and Sequence 6 is 'Professor of Potions'." ', Sequence 5 is 'Crimson Scholar', Sequence 4 is 'Witch King', and I don't know if it goes up."

"Cough." Emlyn White coughed, "Ms. 'Hermit', I must emphasize one point, she is a vampire, not a vampire, hehe, if you call that kind of human who obtains the characteristics of my race by taking magic potions For 'vampire', I don't disagree, I even agree."

It turns out that "vampire" is from the "pharmacist" pathway, and so is "Witch King". No wonder they worship the "primordial moon" and don't believe in goddesses...

Could it be that the sealed item "Crimson Moon Crown" that Miss Sharron obtained was derived from the death of some "Crimson Scholar" or blood viscount? In addition to being able to create the full moon effect and being immune to the corresponding effects, it can also provide terrifying speed, unimaginable recovery ability and relatively powerful dark spells. The negative effects can be resolved by sucking the blood of living people... It is indeed very similar to that of the vampires. derivative��

Among the various professions on this path, some are like the "Seer" path, which lacks connection before and after, while others have a certain progression, which is very strange...

Klein strung together the previous bits and pieces of knowledge, a little stunned and a little confused.

"The Hanged Man" Alger, "Magician" Fors and the others were either thoughtful, or listened with gusto, or pretended not to be interested, each reacted differently, but "The Hermit" Cattleya could tell Judging from this, they didn't know much about the information about "vampires" before: "Their status in their respective organizations and forces is still at the middle and lower levels, which is in line with the characteristics of being drawn into the Tarot Society not long ago and being on a fast-track promotion..."World � Didn�t give any response, either very deep, or knew about the �vampire� for a long time, or both... After observing this again and again, it must be admitted that the �World� is the most noteworthy and most important among Tarot Society members. The one to watch out for..."

"Justice" Audrey listened with great interest, thought about it seriously, and raised her hands slightly as if she was taking a tutoring class: "Ms. 'Hermit', why is there no necessary connection between the various sequences of the 'Moon' pathway? "

"The Hermit" Cattleya glanced at Miss "Justice", and found that her dress and jewelry were completely different from last time. There was no repetition, but they all showed a luxurious and precious temperament.