Chapter: 1521

"No, this is the necessary price for gaining great strength. I can return to normal after two or three days of calm." Klein also found out the reason for the follow-up.

"Okay, okay." Cynthia hurriedly led Klein up to the second floor, leading him into the quietest room.

As for the master bedroom, because she had lighted a few sticks of incense and sprinkled some clean dew, she never gave it up.

Watching the door close, Klein slowly exhaled, changed the general uniform he was wearing, and lay down comfortably on the bed.

In the master bedroom not far away, Cynthia, who was worried and lost, took a hot bath and also got into bed.

She looked at the ceiling without focus, and couldn't help thinking of the instructions of her father and mother a few days ago.

They asked her to curry favor with Admiral Amyrius, and it would be best if she could conceive his child. In this way, the family could obtain more agency shares of the Central Sonia Navy Fleet.

There seemed to be a lot of things hidden in the general's heart, so that some abnormalities appeared in his body... Cynthia was thinking about it, and her thoughts gradually drifted away.

She fell asleep unconsciously.

Vaguely, she felt a little fever in her stomach and body, and she seemed to see a dark night sky dotted with bright stars in her dream.

One of them seemed to feel her gaze, and it shone brighter.


The next morning, the refreshed Klein enjoyed a hearty but unremarkable breakfast. Surrounded by the general's guards again, he came to the Olavi Naval Base and requisitioned the most luxurious and spacious office.

According to the habit of Admiral Amyrius, he will be alone for a period of time every two or three days to study and master his own extraordinary ability at a deeper level, and develop more practical skills. Therefore, Klein will spend most of the day In the uninterrupted time, the rest only needs to deal with some simple official duties.

In the quiet and spacious office, Klein paced back and forth leisurely, or picked out the books on the shelf to read, and reached into his pocket from time to time, touching the "Ninth Law" spell, making it exude an unusually deep majesty�� It was to convince the blond secretary Lu Er'an outside that there was nothing unusual about Admiral Amyrius.

After an unknown amount of time, Klein felt sleepy and planned to take a nap.

Just then, he heard a knock on the door.

There is something very important... Klein frowned.

It will definitely not be easy for Secretary Lu Er'an to interrupt Admiral Amyrius' concentration on practice!

"Come in." Klein restrained his emotions and responded in a deep voice.

The handsome young man with blond hair, Lu Er'an, twisted the handle, opened the door and came in, holding a telegram in his palm.

He lowered his voice and said, "Your Excellency, a telegram from Backlund.

"Mr Alston has been relieved of his position as Governor and replaced by the Speaker of City Council.

"It is said that the new governor will arrive today."

Auston Leavitt was removed from the governorship? Their plot has been discovered? That's right, the "Twilight Hermit Society" all came to warn me, no, Amyrius, it means that they have already grasped the specific situation, and through the operation of some members, the matter will most likely be eliminated through a series of job changes. Yu Wuxi... They only warned the night before, and they started to act today. They must have been preparing for a long time... Well, this can be seen from the fact that the new governor will arrive today... Klein was surprised at first, and then felt that it was reasonable ,

He imitated the posture of Admiral Amyrius when he faced important problems, walked back and forth a few steps, and said with a serious expression: "I see."

Klein didn't make a statement, didn't give any orders, and seemed extremely deep.

However, in fact, he hadn't thought about what to do at all.

There is a saying in our foodie empire, "Stillness is worse than movement". I don't know if Russell has translated it... Klein was half self-deprecating and half complaining.

Lu Er'an looked up at Admiral Amyrius, and quietly left the office without saying anything.