Chapter: 1529

Amidst his thoughts, he suddenly thought of a concept.

A concept that often appears as an important content in the mystic knowledge he has come into contact with, but has never been described and explained in detail!

That is, "Star Realm"!

Except for a few organizations such as the Life School who believe in niche knowledge such as the "absolutely rational world", in most mysticism, the world is composed of "reality", "spirit world" and "star world".

Needless to say, "reality", the knowledge of the "spiritual world" is the foundation of many ritual magic and extraordinary abilities. Only the "star world" is basically blank in Klein's cognition.

"So, the illusory starry sky represents the 'star world', and the bright stars are some existence in the 'star world'? I have always suspected that the 'star world' is the residence of the true god, so it is not impossible for this symbolic picture to represent the 'primordial moon' Accept..." Klein stopped thinking about it, and while recalling the details of the previous few days, he waited for the results of his subordinates' investigation.

Time passed by, and Klein finally heard familiar footsteps going upstairs and approaching.

The blond secretary Lu Er'an knocked on the door and entered, lowered his head, and calmly reported: "Your Excellency, General, you have found the Celestial Sect and captured their leader.

"This is the clue provided by Miss Cynthia's parents.

"This sect has been quite active in Olavi in ??recent years. Its purpose is to not wear clothes, return to nature, and indulge nature. It believes that human beings can obtain spiritual liberation in this state.

"Reproduction is a byproduct of that philosophy."

After a pause, Lu Er'an added: "Their leader is a Extraordinary, the 'madman' of Sequence 8."

"madman"? The "Madman" of the "Prisoner" route? Something to do with the School of Roses? Well, there are two factions of "temperance" and "indulgence" within the Rose School of Thought, and the latter's ideas are quite consistent with the situation on the scene... Klein was startled, but said calmly on the surface: "Bring him here."

The leader of the Celestial Sect is called Follett Ken. He is a man in his thirties, with a brown beard on his thin face and a strange blue tattoo on his neck.

When Lu Er'an brought him to Klein, he was very depressed, as if he had suffered severe mental torture.

"Your Excellency, General, during the process of being arrested, he continuously exchanged reason for strength, and his mind is close to collapse..." The blond secretary, Lu Er'an, reported the matter exactly regardless of whether General Amyrius could see the specific details. again.

This is just right... Klein was worried that Follett Ken would turn into a "lunatic", resist mental oppression, and refuse to answer his own questions. Then he had to risk being suspected, retreat from his subordinates, and try to "communicate." spirit".

Looking coldly at Follett Ken in front of him, Klein's left hand was covered with a layer of golden color quietly with the help of the desk.

"Squirming Hunger" switched to "Interrogator" Soul!

And the "Interrogator" is exactly the Sequence 7 of the "Arbitrator" pathway where Admiral Amyrius belongs!

In the depths of Klein's eyes, two lightning-like rays of light suddenly appeared, completely overlapping with the reflected figure of Follett Ken.

"Spiritual Piercing" is ready to go!

However, Klein didn't directly use this extraordinary ability, because it is only at the level of Sequence 7. Once it is used in front of Lu Er'an, the blond secretary will immediately see through his identity.

With the help of the coercion at the spiritual level brought about by "spiritual piercing", Klein sat there, like the real Admiral Amyrius, and said in a low voice: "Do you know Cynthia?"

While speaking, he raised his right hand, and let the black pendant like a miniature rhinoceros horn held in his palm slide down, shaking in the air: "What does it do?"

The languid Follett Ken trembled all over, feeling as if his spirit was being held back by a sharp dagger, ready to be pierced at any moment.

He couldn't help lowering his head and stammeringly replied: "I know.

"Cynthia, Miss Cynthia wants to have a child with extraordinary abilities with you, General, and was introduced to me by her parents.

"It is a 'reproduction necklace' made with the breath bestowed by the gods. As long as you take its powder and wear it for a long time, it will be able to make you irresistible, Your Excellency..."

Klein listened in silence, half believing and half doubting what Follett Ken said.