Chapter: 1557

In her plan, this proposal contains three purposes, three harvests!

The first important purpose is naturally to obtain the items, complete the commission, and successfully obtain the "Hypnotist" potion formula from the "Psychological Alchemist".

The second is to protect and enhance one's reputation, status and image by donating academic research to protect ancient objects. This is what most nobles and rich people are doing. Even without today's donation, Audrey would spend She will contribute 3,000 pounds or more to various charitable organizations, so she believes that her father, Earl Hall, will not stop her from doing similar processing of a small amount of real estate under her name.

The third level is that a foundation that focuses on the collection and protection of antiquities has easy access to some valuable historical materials and mysterious items. Audrey does not need to come out in person, just sitting at home, and it is possible to reap benefits for herself It is equivalent to using 10,000 pounds to mobilize more funds and establish your own "power".

Of course, if Michelle Deiter does not accept this exchange, she has other plans: there are people from the Hall family in the Kingdom Higher Education Commission, as well as noble friends she knows, as long as Mr. Associate Professor has corresponding needs , she must find a way to satisfy him.

However, Audrey didn't like this method very much, and always felt that it was not glorious enough and seemed to harm the interests of the public.

After discussing the matter, Audrey stayed for a while and chatted for about a quarter of an hour, making the ending of the matter not seem abrupt at all.

Then, she bid farewell and left Michelle's house, and returned to the Hall family's villa in Storn City in a carriage.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, she received the helmet of Sauron's royal family and the notebook during the Twenty Years War as promised.

Audrey put on white gauze gloves, sat down at the desk with great interest, put the helmet aside, and carefully read the contents of the notes.

She found that the things recorded above were very fragmented. In the early stage, it was mainly about how the knight stationed on the ancient elf island learned how to brew Sonia blood wine, how to chase the ladies around him, and how to pass the boring time. In the middle and later stages, it entered the Twenty Years War The stage mainly focuses on cursing the Feysacs, blaming companions, and considering sticking to the plan, etc. It ends after the first loss of Sonia Island.

"Except that the grammar is similar to the dragon language, there are no major problems, and I can't see where there are hidden clues..." Audrey frowned slightly, and closed the notes.

Just now, she used the method of mysticism to check, but still didn't get anything.

This made her not want to waste time, so she was going to hand it over to the "Psychological Alchemy Association".

Suddenly, she had a new idea: "Mr. 'Fool', Mr. 'Hanged Man', always consider issues from different aspects and give suggestions, should I learn it?

"Hmm... from another angle, let's assume that there is nothing wrong with the contents of the notes, then what the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' is pursuing is itself?

"What's special about it? I didn't find it just now... It belongs to a knight who is accustomed to speaking the dragon language. That knight must have experienced something... Divination, yes, divination! Maybe you can use the method of divination, with the help of This notebook, find the last whereabouts or first traces of that knight, which may be related to a dragon!

"Since it's a giant dragon, there's a good chance it's a psychic dragon. It's the representative of the 'audience' pathway. The clues related to it really deserve the attention of the 'Psychological Alchemist'...

"Audrey, this idea is very good!"

Audrey's eyes sparkled suddenly, as if there was an obvious brilliance hidden.

She couldn't help turning her head to the side, and looked at the big golden retriever squatting beside her.

Susie glanced at her master, barked and said, "Audrey, do you want me to praise you?"

"No, there's no need..." Audrey turned her head back with a little shame.

Then, she discovered an important problem, that is, she doesn't know how to divination, or the accuracy of divination is very low!

There is no way to verify it... No, I can still ask Mister Fool for help! Secret ceremony? This seems to only work on itself, not on external objects...artificial sleepwalking? It is similar to the Secret Agreement Ceremony, and it is also not acceptable... Sacrificial to Mr. Fool, let him help with divination, and then give it to me, no, no, it seems not enough respect, he is not my father or teacher, but a A true god, using this method is too casual, a bit blasphemy... Audrey's thinking has gradually developed from Mister Fool to divination.

Although she is not very good at divination, she still has a certain understanding of the corresponding mystical knowledge, and soon locked on a certain type of divination method:

That is to request third-party power through certain rituals, and ask unknown and mysterious existences to give answers. The most typical representative of this kind of method is "magic mirror divination"!

"Hmm... It's really dangerous, but the danger is that the person you're praying to may be full of malice or make people collapse just by touching it, and I don't have such worries at all. I'm asking Mister Fool!" Audrey blinked He closed his eyes, suppressed the excitement in his heart, turned his head to the golden retriever and said, "Susie, go and watch outside the door. I want to use mystic methods to check this notebook."

"Didn't you use it just now?" Susie asked suspiciously.

She is getting harder and harder to be deceived... Audrey turned her eyes slightly, and said frankly: "I plan to try 'magic mirror divination'.