Chapter: 1579

The sailboat over 100 meters long adjusted and sailed past, docking on the leeward side.

More than half an hour passed, the sky suddenly darkened, and lead-colored clouds emerged one after another.

They overlap each other and seem to have completely enveloped the surrounding sea area.

Amidst the huge roar and the dazzling lightning, a hurricane swept over from afar.

It connects to the clouds above and connects to the sea below. It is more exaggerated than any giant in the legend, just like a giant snake circling to destroy the world.

This terrible tornado brought mountain-like waves. The branch-like lightning didn't stop because of the heavy rain, it kept hitting the sea surface, splitting into tiny electric snakes and spreading around.

The splashing raindrops hit the deck of the Future, giving the pirates who had already entered the cabin or shelter from the rain a feeling that the end had come.

Such a storm did not last long. About a quarter of an hour later, the waves subsided, the hurricane dissipated, and the noon sun ruled the sky again.

"You can go to the island for some activities, but you can't go deep, you must be within the range of the artillery." Cattleya gave the pirates a short chance to relax.

Klein kept in mind the reminder of "Mercury Snake" Will Auceptin, and had no desire to explore the island. After leaving the "Future", he only walked back and forth on the beach, enjoying the feeling of being down-to-earth.

The beach, the sun, the trees... It feels like a vacation... Klein thought amusedly, and suddenly caught a black spot moving at high speed out of the corner of his eye.

It is galloping over the edge of the cliff!

The black spot was getting bigger and bigger, and it turned out to be a figure!

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya, who was stepping on the sand not far from Klein, also noticed the abnormality, turned her body halfway, and took off the heavy glasses on the bridge of her nose.

The figure was getting closer and closer. Wearing a white shirt, black vest, and black trousers, he was a blue-eyed young man of medium build with blond hair.


Poor Anderson!

Klein recognized him immediately.

The visitor turned out to be the terrifying Anderson in the dream world!

The Anderson who said that his companion went to explore and never came back, but claimed that Chen was a member of the exploration team!

At this time, Anderson raised his right hand.

Without hesitation, Klein, who is Gehrman Sparrow, took out a spell and uttered an ancient Hermetic word: "Storm!"

The talisman made of white tin immediately became thorny, as if it had grown tiny blades.

With the infusion of spirituality, the wind in mid-air suddenly stirred.

Klein threw the spell at Anderson expressionlessly.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, the sharp and thin blades condensed into blue shot at the target, as if they were queuing up to be shot.

Anderson was raising his right hand with a smile, as if he wanted to say something, but the low and mysterious spell and the scalp-numbing sound of the wind sounded in his ears.

With his eyes fixed, he fell directly to the side, turning and rolling, as if in front of him was a red-hot iron plate.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!