Chapter: 1588

Zizizi, a huge thunderball illuminated the room that was too narrow to avoid, and then disappeared together with Gehrman Sparrow in the mirror.

For some reason, Klein felt that he was inexplicably quieter at this moment, as if he had entered the time of a sage.

He turned his head, looked at Leo Master again and said, "What is the name of the religious organization you joined?"

Leomaster replied tremblingly: "Aurora will..."

Aurora Club? Klein was stunned for a while, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

At this moment, there was a loud bang outside, and the locked iron door seemed to be kicked open.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The footsteps that were heavy like drums came directly to the corner, as if they had discovered the hiding place of Klein and Leomaster.

Klein suspected that the movement of the lightning storm just now made the "Saint of Black" aware of it!

There's no way to hide it... Holding the "Scepter of the Sea God" in his hand, Klein kicked the black wooden door of the storage room away, and kicked it towards the "Saint of Black"!

While the wooden door was tumbling, he saw the target clearly:

The knight in black full-body armor had pushed up his visor at some point, revealing a deeply wrinkled face, revealing a little black and shiny hair, and revealing the old scars on his cheeks.

He looks exactly like Leo Master, down to the smallest features!

The only difference is that his eyes are glowing crimson.

Klein was startled, and instinctively turned his body to the side, not leaving his back to Leo Master who was trembling in panic in the storage room.

He was no longer sure that the "prisoner" in a linen tunic was fine!

At this moment, the knight in black full-body armor and with the same face as Leomaster had deep red eyes, and raised the dark and wide straight sword with both hands.


He stepped forward and made a slash, so fast that Klein's eyes almost couldn't catch it.

Klein, who was also facing him sideways, raised the "Sea God Scepter" subconsciously, causing the blue gemstones on the top to light up at the same time.


The actual hurricane rose out of thin air, surrounding Klein layer by layer, protecting him at the eye of the storm.

Stab it! The black streamer struck, and the gust of wind disintegrated layer by layer, shooting out in all directions, shaking the entire hall.


Under the black sword, the hurricane made an explosion-like sound, turned into a shock wave, flooded the area, lifted all the piled up debris, and brought them into the air.

This fierce collision obviously shook the dream, and Klein was in a trance, rolling twice involuntarily.


He fell from the bed in his own room onto the deck and opened his eyes.

That "Saint of Black" is really strong... Or, I haven't really used the "Scepter of Sea God" in the real world, so I can't restore its full power in the dream... Wait! It's still night! Klein suddenly noticed a problem:

At this time, the noon sun did not shine in at the window position!